As an avid city stairway hiker, here's something I've sometimes had in the back of my mind: Reckless drivers careening down a stairway right of way, just like this crazy video shows from San Francisco's Sanchez Street stairs in the Castro.
#CarBrain #Stairways #WalkableCities #PedestrianSafety #SanFrancisco
#sanfrancisco #pedestriansafety #walkablecities #stairways #carbrain
Stairs leading to nowhere. Relics of an old house. #miami #history #stairways #parks #ruins
#ruins #parks #stairways #History #miami
@francis @ruario This reminds me of @peternlewis #Stairways which had macintosh client and server software for Finger (and whois) and Talk (also #RumorMill, a news/nntp server)
no smoking
#Mamiya M645 1000s with Sekor C 80mm ƒ/1.9 on ILFORD HP5+
#stairways #industry #lights #filmphotography #photography #archive
#archive #photography #filmphotography #lights #industry #stairways #mamiya