#nationalism #ideology criticism #fckafd #afd #Nazis #Stalinism
Ideology creates evil itself.
Like Stalinism and National Socialism or Paul Pott in Cambodia.
Either way, you have an ideology that misleads people into monopolizing the truth.
This destroys thinking, the process of thinking and judging.
And the human ability to speak and act.
-Ramin Jahanbegloo Philosophy
#stalinism #nazis #afd #fckafd #ideology #nationalism
The Last Address project (Posledniy Adres in Russian) memorializes victims of Soviet-era political repression through archival research and the installation of small plaques at the person’s last known residence. Over a thousand hang in cities and towns across Russia. There are even some in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, France and Germany.
#lastaddress #posledniyadres #russia #stalinism #memory
*Anark Responds to every authoritarian leftist on the internet*
A long sit (you can also lay down of course 😉), but very worthwhile. Compliments to @Anark.
There are also similar videos about Maoist #China (https://youtu.be/iahftnOf2RE) and the #USSR (https://youtu.be/qBVcysanZ3w). So again, #TANKIES GO HOME! :tankies:
#authcoms #stalinists #maoists #stalinism #maoism #MarxismLeninism #ML #MLM
#mlm #ml #marxismleninism #maoism #stalinism #maoists #stalinists #authcoms #tankies #ussr #china
*Anark Responds to every authoritarian leftist on the internet*
A long sit (you can also lay down of course 😉), but very worthwhile. Compliments to @Anark.
There are also similar videos about Maoist #China (https://youtu.be/iahftnOf2RE) and the #USSR (https://youtu.be/qBVcysanZ3w). So again, #TANKIES GO HOME! :tankies:
#authcoms #stalinists #maoists #stalinism #maoism #MarxistLeninism #ML #MLM
#mlm #ml #marxistleninism #maoism #stalinism #maoists #stalinists #authcoms #tankies #ussr #china
Film of the day: КАРИТАН ВОЛКОИОГОВ БЕЖАЛ (CAPTAIN VOLKONOGOV ESCAPED, dir Natasha Merkulova & Aleksey Chupov, 2021) Thoughtful, kinetic chase thriller set in 1938 Leningrad, propelled by paranoia politics, that reveals itself halfway through as an urgent melodrama of guilt and redemption. #stalinism #thirties #russiancinema #redemption #thriller #politicalthriller #drama
#stalinism #thirties #russiancinema #Redemption #thriller #politicalthriller #drama
Mardrömmen Albanien – med humor
Albansk-engelska författaren Lea Ypi växte som ung upp som övertygad socialist, stolt över sitt fria och jämlika land, på väg mot det klasslösa kommunistiska samhället. Så faller även det lilla stalinistiska och maoistiska Albanien. Och hennes trevliga familj och släkt visar sig vara gamla ex-rika, anti-kommunister, so
#Albanien #Bcker #Diktatur #Kultur #Stalinism #EnverHoxha #Fri #LeaYpi
#leaypi #fri #enverhoxha #stalinism #kultur #Diktatur #bcker #albanien
It seems like yesterday was the birthday of #Che. A lot of leftists, incl. anarchists still believe the myth of Che.
Here are two must reads:
*Guevara, Ernesto "Che", 1928-1967; A critical look at the life of Latin American revolutionary, Ernesto "Che" Guevara* by Nick Heath
*Saint Che: The Truth Behind the Legend of the Heroic Guerilla, Ernesto Che Guevara* by Larry Gambone
Never worship a human being! Always be critical.
#cuba #stalinism #Anarchism #che
ALZHIR: The Museum of The Akmolinsk Camp of Wives of Traitors to the Motherland. #kazakhstan #soviet #stalinism #photo #photography
#photography #photo #stalinism #soviet #kazakhstan
In the new podcast episode Volodymyr Yermolenko speaks to Nicolas Tenzer about the similarities between #Nazism and #Stalinism/#Putinism, about morality in politics, and the need for more Western involvement in the fight against Putinist #Russia: 👉 https://bit.ly/40CUW75
RMS writes: 4 April 2023 (Sentencing in secret trials) - I've read about two people convicted and sentenced anonymously in Australia for crimes that the government refuses to describe. It seems almost Stalinist.
#secrettrials #australia #stalinism #richardstallman #rms
Today in Labor History March 17, 2016: The Movement for a Democratic Society declared the establishment of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria. Supporters of the federation claim they have implemented a form of libertarian socialism, influenced by American anarchist Murray Bookchin, with decentralization, gender equality and local governance through direct democracy., with worker cooperatives and district councils, each with one male and one female co-president. They have also banned child marriages and honor killings, and are attempting to replace punitive justice with a system of restorative justice. And women play a prominent role on the battlefield, as well as within the political system. Yet private property remains a part of their system, which is inconsistent with Bookchinite anarchism. And according to Andrea Glioti, remnants of the PKK’s Stalinist past remain in Rojava. He cites the ubiquitous portraits of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, often accompanied by the slogan “There’s no life without a leader.”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #MurrayBookchin #syria #Kobani #Rojava #GenderEquality #pkk #RestorativeJustice #stalinism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #kobani #Rojava #GenderEquality #pkk #restorativejustice #stalinism
Maybe I'm getting old, I dunno, I probably am. But I really don't understand the 2010s/20s revival of #Stalinism amongst the yoof. I was a kid when the Soviet Union ended. The people I was around at the time didn't cry for it, although they certainly didn't celebrate its capitalist replacement either (and still less its evolution into more or less literal mafia capitalism under Putin). Did we forget all that?
Putin’s Russia summons Stalin from the grave as a wartime ally
Seventy years after his death, the dictator still inspires those who want to stifle dissent.
#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #Putin #VladimirPutin #Stalin #Stalinism #Tankies
#news #europeannews #europe #ukraine #russia #russianinvasion #ukrainewar #ukrainerussiawar #putin #vladimirputin #stalin #stalinism #tankies
https://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/1455270211-mhi-120639128-rfh_ep_88_hensman.mp3 "Radio Free Humanity Ep. 88: “Pseudo-Anti-Imperialism Defends the Indefensible—interview with Rohini Hensman.” On her 2018 book and its continuing relevance. Current-events segment: How Cohen–vanden Heuvel–The Nation injected pro-Putinism into US left". #PseudoAntiImperialism #Stalinism #Putinism #Assad #TheNation #StephenCohen #CJR #Ukraine #authoritarianism #SriLanka (honourable mention for @duncaned
#pseudoantiimperialism #stalinism #putinism #assad #thenation #stephencohen #cjr #ukraine #authoritarianism #srilanka
Speaking of #Russia & #Stalinism: 68 years after Krushchev's speech & 1 year after the #Russian invasion of #Ukraine, the #RedBrown alliance of #tankies & #FarRight is alive & well.
"A bogus version of 'anti-imperialism' which mystifies rather than explains the nature of the world, & which allows its adherents to ally with, or at least soft-pedal criticisms of, reactionary forces in the name of 'anti-imperialism'”
#russia #stalinism #russian #ukraine #redbrown #tankies #farright #israel #left
Sovjet och DDR:s svek i 3 filmer
Stalins och kommunistpartiets Sovjetunionen bjöd på 30-talet in världens arbetarklass att delta i bygget av socialismen i ”historiens första arbetarstat”. Många hörsammade entusiastiskt kallelsen, lämnade sina hem, och många tog med sig verkt
#Film #Finland #Historia #Ryssland #Sovjet #Stalinism #Tyskland #Ungern #DDR #Denevigavägen #Dentystarevolutionen #TheDeathofStalin #Ungernrevolten
#ungernrevolten #thedeathofstalin #dentystarevolutionen #denevigavagen #ddr #ungern #Tyskland #stalinism #sovjet #ryssland #historia #finland #film
Today in Labor History January 27, 2014: The Kobani Canton declared its autonomy from the Syrian Arab Republic during the Rojava conflict. Supporters claim they have implemented a form of libertarian socialism, influenced by American anarchist Murray Bookchin, with decentralization, gender equality and local governance through direct democracy. They have created worker cooperatives and govern the cantons through district councils, each with one male and one female co-president. The councils have gender quotas requiring at least 40% female participation. They have banned child marriages and honor killings. They are attempting to replace punitive justice with a system of restorative justice. And women play a prominent role on the battlefield, as well as within the political system. Yet private property remains a part of their system, which is inconsistent with Bookchinian anarchism. And according to Andrea Glioti, remnants of the PKK’s Stalinist past remain in Rojava. He cites the ubiquitous portraits of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, often accompanied by the slogan “There’s no life without a leader.”
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #Rojava #PYD #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #socialism #feminism #stalinism #Ocalan #pkk #kurdish #kurdistan #equality #cooperatives #restorativejustice
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #Rojava #pyd #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #socialism #feminism #stalinism #Ocalan #pkk #kurdish #kurdistan #equality #cooperatives #restorativejustice
Today in Labor History January 11, 1943: American mobster, Carmine Galante, assassinated Carlo Tresca in New York City. He was an Italian-American newspaper editor, socialist labor organizer with the IWW, and outspoken critic of the Mafia, Stalinism and fascism. In 1937, he participated in the Dewey Commission, which cleared Trotsky of all charges made during the Moscow Trials.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #carlotresca #IWW #union #mafia #stalinism #socialism #fascism #antifascist #trotsky
#workingclass #LaborHistory #carlotresca #IWW #union #mafia #stalinism #socialism #fascism #antifascist #trotsky
Heinrich Vogeler, 'German Stakhanov worker in the Sochi rest home' (1936)
#art #German #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #Stalinism #soviet #Stakhanov #worker #SocialistRealism #painting
#art #german #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #stalinism #soviet #stakhanov #worker #socialistrealism #painting
Remember, folks!
Bolsheviks didn't mind killing other left-wing radicals for their own political gain.
Lenin was a mass-murdering tyrant. He was not a "good guy."
Neither were Trotsky or Stalin for that matter.
Glorifying these historical figures as "opponents of the West" without admitting the atrocities done in their name is misguided at best and outright lying at worst.
You should not organize with authcom power cults, as they always put their own power structure first at the cost of everyone else's well-being.
#bolshevism #stalinism #authcoms #tankies #NKVD #Cheka #SovietUnion #USSR
#Bolshevism #stalinism #authcoms #tankies #nkvd #cheka #sovietunion #ussr