This seems so wrong … this is the first high profile #gop politician I’m rooting for because of what he wants to do to the #trump. 👏😂 This should be easy for Governor Christie since the donald can’t walk fast. #stalking —
Christie vows to 'follow' trump if he skips the next GOP debates: 'Wherever he goes, I’ll go' - USA TODAY
Benevolent hackers clear #stalking #spyware from 75,000 phones
The unnamed #hackers targeted #spyware firm #WebDetetive because "#fuckstalkerware"
#fuckstalkerware #webdetetive #hackers #spyware #stalking
Hey Emory! Do/have you ever used the #MTA? Does this mean anything to you?
#privacy #stalking #transportation #NYC #DataHarvesting #DataMining
#datamining #dataharvesting #nyc #transportation #stalking #privacy #mta
Bin mir gerade nicht sicher, ob es sich um #CyberCrime oder eher um eine Aktion von #WhiteHacker|n / #WhiteHacking handelt 🤔
#Stalkerware-Anbieter gehackt: Opfer entfernt, Daten zur Kundschaft geleakt | heise online #Hacking #Malware #Spyware #stalking #Datenschutz #Überwachung #surveillance #privacy #Tracking #DataLeak #DataBreach
#cybercrime #whitehacker #WhiteHacking #stalkerware #hacking #malware #spyware #stalking #datenschutz #uberwachung #surveillance #privacy #tracking #dataleak #databreach
Donnerstag in Berlin:
Vorstellung der SWR-Recherche “#Tracken, #stalken…töten?” von Sonja Peteranderl @glocalreporting ) und Panel zu digitalem Stalking etwa mithilfe von #AirTags mit Sonja Peteranderl, Jekaterina Anzupowa (IT-Expertin, Ein Team gegen digitale Gewalt) und mir.
Die Recherche:
Die Veranstaltung:
#tracken #stalken #airtags #digitalegewalt #stalking #femizid
Lees alles over: '“Ik heb mijn les geleerd,” verklaarde P.' | 'Afgewezen minnaar bestraft voor belaging en stalking sekswerker' op | #belaging #celstraf #minnaar #sekswerker #stalking
#stalking #sekswerker #minnaar #celstraf #belaging
👨💻 Im Talk von Alexander und Leon auf der #Macoun23 "Schutz vor Stalking durch AirTags und andere Tracker" wird gezeigt wie genau Tracker sind und wieviele Menschen von Stalking betroffen sind. Dazu gibt es reverse-engineering von iOS Funktionen & die Implementierung von Bluetooth Funktionen in iOS Apps.
Hol Dir schnell Dein Ticket:
#macoun23 #airtags #tracker #stalking #sicherheit #security
“Digitale Gewalt: Tracken, stalken …töten?”
Darüber diskutiere ich nächsten Donnerstag mit @glocalreporting (Investigativ-Journalistin und BuzzingCities Lab), Jekaterina Anzupowa (Ein Team gegen digitale Gewalt) und Nathalie Brunneke (Frauenhauskoordinierung) bei @superrr in Berlin.
Mehr dazu:
#digitalegewalt #femizid #stalking
@erikalyn This is so true about domestic violence and guns. The recent Supreme Court ruling on stalking makes it worse. #shootings #domesticviolence #stalking #SupremeCourt
#supremecourt #stalking #domesticviolence #shootings
Wenn ihr dem Typen aus diesem Rezo-Video auf der Straße begegnet, macht einen großen Bogen um ihn und habt am besten schon mal die Hand am Pfefferspray. #misogynie #stalking #incelalarm
#misogynie #stalking #incelalarm
Gizmodo: Alleged Stalking Victims Accuse Tile of Advertising Its Devices as Women Trackers #stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #kristicollura #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #liketile #life360 #airtags #airtag #amazon #google #apple #tile
#stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #kristicollura #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #liketile #life360 #airtags #airtag #amazon #google #apple #tile
Let's hear #CarymaNgo's tale of why her
#CreepySpouseInDaHouse is
#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #stalking
Gizmodo: Two Women Accuse Tile of Advertising Its Devices as Stalking Aids #stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #life360 #airtags #airtag #google #apple #tile
#stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #life360 #airtags #airtag #google #apple #tile
@natejohnston That is a state agency. And because I have no cool, I called this number, the area code of which is in Virginia. It reached the voicebox one Catherine Harrington; I immediately said "Sorry, ma'am". #harassment #stalking
FYI fellow Android users: AirTag stalking protection is live on Android — here’s how to set it up
> Android users finally have a tool to fight AirTag stalking
#settlercolonialism: A 2016 report by the U.S. Department of #Justice found that more than 80% of American #Indian #women had experienced #violence and that Indian #women were two to three times more likely than other #ethnic groups to be #victims of #stalking or #sexualviolence…by non-Indians…federal law that greatly restricted Native law.
#settlercolonialism #justice #indian #women #violence #ethnic #victims #stalking #sexualviolence #worldindigenouspeoplesday
A #stalker warned that his hate campaign could only be stopped if victim deleted her Twitter accounts, adding that “if your family gets hurt or robbed it’s only your own fault”
#Stalking is often misidentified by police as a lower level offence.
Katherine Denkinson @BylineTimes @SydesJokes
Maybe someone should have stopped to listen for thirty seconds before zeroing in on his target, (me, a Black woman) at this PARTICULAR event.
Wrong place, wrong time for your bullshit.¹
#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #racism #stalking
Zelensky is admired in America because we wish we had someone who cared if we were murdered. #Stalking #LostGirls #ACAB #GilgoMurders #DefundThePolice
#DefundThePolice #gilgomurders #ACAB #lostgirls #stalking
#Google: #Android warnt vor unbekannten Trackern wie #AirTags in #Bluetooth-Nähe | heise online #Apple #AppleAirTag #AppleAirTags #stalking #tracking
#google #android #airtags #bluetooth #apple #appleairtag #appleairtags #stalking #tracking