#Stallmanism is the believe that the #GPLv3 is holy and that ony code licensed under it is good and that everything else is inherently bad.
It's like #Marxism: It outlived it's usefulness ages ago in the times of obsoloeteable human labour!
@atarifrosch @Haydar it's typical #Stallmanism in just #hating on something yet refusing to point out alternatives (as he's doing on his website all the time: https://stallman.org )...
And that's counterproductve...
Reutender was in the same tram and while we were booking stallmanism.com and .net, he managed to sneak the .org. Now that the Holy Trinity belongs to me, he is welcomed as part of The Creation but didn't add more to #Stallmanism. Heck, he didn't even join us for the Sacred Orval.
14 years ago, during #FOSDEM, I co-founded a religion called #Stallmanism with Pieter Hintjens. Pieter went to Enlightenment 7 years ago. It is time to open a new chapter. I am accepting Pull Requests at https://codeberg.org/jwildeboer/stallmanismsource to create a new website to enlighten even more people to the power of the #GPL version 3 or any later version.
would anyone agree that #stallmanism is some kind of anarcho-capitalism?
f not, where is his position wrt class struggle, #socialism, #communism, anti-capitalism?
#stallmanism #socialism #communism