Why Are Books Banned? Here's Banned Book Author Ibram X. Kendi's Take | https://www.theroot.com/ibram-x-kendi-banned-books-how-to-be-an-antiracist-1850085181 #stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #ibramxkendi #publishing #bookdesign #bodytext #politics #writing #kendi #books
#stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #ibramxkendi #publishing #bookdesign #bodytext #Politics #writing #kendi #books
Black People Can Be Racist Too, Say Authors Ibram X. Kendi and Nic Stone | https://www.theroot.com/interview-ibram-x-kendi-nic-stone-black-people-racism-1850072018 #stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #americanwriters #socialissues #ibramxkendi #nicstone #writers #kendi
#stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #americanwriters #socialissues #ibramxkendi #nicstone #writers #kendi
Tagging @jrm4
The books in this thread were incredibly helpful for naming the policies and practices that stripped wealth from Black people to build wealth for white families. I would also add #RaceForProfit by #KeeangaYamahttaTaylor and #StampedFromTheBeginning to the mix
#raceforprofit #keeangayamahttataylor #stampedfromthebeginning
I highly, highly recommend reading this book by @DrIbram to learn about the history of #racism and #racist ideas.
RT @BoldTypeBooks
Today only: get @DrIbram's STAMPED FROM THE BEGINNING ebook for only $3.99!
#ebooks #stampedfromthebeginning #kindledeals #ibramkendi
#racism #racist #blacklivesmatter #ebooks #stampedfromthebeginning #kindledeals #ibramkendi
Reading Woolf's #ARoomOfOnesOwn and thinking about why poverty and inferiority are useful to the powerful. Thinking back to Kendi's #StampedFromTheBeginning and how the U.S. is a racist nation, no diversion required from our historic role to subjugate. Thinking about our southern border. Reading Vollmann's #HarpersMagazine essay on that, ends by quoting #ForWhomTheBellTolls, "There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes."
#forwhomthebelltolls #harpersmagazine #stampedfromthebeginning #aroomofonesown