#TrafficAlert #StanCounty #Modesto SR-132/Yosemite Blvd. closed in both directions @ Mitchell/El Vista due to a three-alarm fire. No ETO at this time. For current traffic conditions use Quickmap.dot.ca.gov or download the #Quickmap app on your mobile device. #CaltransHQ
#trafficalert #stancounty #modesto #quickmap #caltranshq
#TrafficAlert #StanCounty SR-99 closed in both directions @ Kansas Ave. Modesto due to flooding. An alternate route is available and traffic is being diverted. ETO is 12 mid. Travel this weekend is strongly discouraged due to harsh weather and driving conditions. Use #Quickmap
#trafficalert #stancounty #quickmap
#TrafficAlert #StanCounty Northbound I-5 @ Diablo Grande Pkwy Offramp/Sperry Ave., lane #2 (right lane) closed due to incident with big and damaged bridge. ETO is 5 p.m. For current road and closure information, visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov. Please #SlowDown
📷: CHP-Modesto.
#trafficalert #stancounty #slowdown
#TrafficAlert #StanCounty Northbound I-5 @ Diablo Grande Pkwy Offramp/Sperry Ave., lane #2 (right lane) closed due to incident with big and damaged bridge. ETO is 4 p.m. For current road and closure information, visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov. Please #SlowDown
#trafficalert #stancounty #slowdown