* torukia - #GhostInTheShell - #StandAloneComplex (#YokoKanno)
#currlisteningalcea #ghostintheshell #standalonecomplex #yokokanno
Despite being confused by the plot I cried when the Tachikoma sent their satellite to intercept the nuke.
#GhostInTheShell #StandAloneComplex
#ghostintheshell #standalonecomplex
Ci siamo rinchiusi e abbiamo tinto le nostre finestre di rosso. Tra poco siamo pronti per uscire.
Con questo post annunciamo l‘avvio della nostra collaborazione con Seahorse Recordings, Stand Alone Complex, Dirty Beach.
Prossimamente vi sveleremo ulteriori dettagli.
Al momento vi diciamo che siamo contenti e che il disco che abbiamo pronto è davvero bellissimo.
#misèredelaphilosophie #newalbum #comingsoon #psychedelic #music #rocknroll #seahorserecordings #standalonecomplex #dirtybeachrecords
#miseredelaphilosophie #newalbum #comingsoon #psychedelic #music #rocknroll #seahorserecordings #standalonecomplex #dirtybeachrecords
You know, each of the Individual Eleven were also lone wolfs. Fction is reality. (Or is reality fiction?) #GITS #GITS2ndGig #2ndGig #StandAloneComplex #GhostInTheShell
#ghostintheshell #standalonecomplex #2ndgig #gits2ndgig #gits
Simply the best!
#GhostintheShell #StandAloneComplex
#ghostintheshell #standalonecomplex
Need some drawing music?
I have a LOT of good memories of watching Stand Alone Complex with my late wife. We were both major Otakus before we even knew what they word meant.
A friend reminded me of how awesome the opening music for Ghost In the Shell was. Here's a glimps for you young'ns.
Rise - Origa
#standalonecomplex #music #anime