#SoloGaming in #Shadespire
1 quick game of #StandardDeckDungeon, with #Minis.
A #Stormcast Eternal warrior-mage, or whatever those are called, tries to find his way through a vault full of #Nighthaunts & #Skaven.
(Mission 7968. Accomplished)
#sologaming #shadespire #standarddeckdungeon #minis #stormcast #Nighthaunts #skaven
#SoloGaming in #Shadespire
1 quick game of #StandardDeckDungeon, with #Minis.
A #Stormcast Eternal Sequitor tries to find his way through a vault full of #Nighthaunts.
(Mission 8697. Accomplished)
#sologaming #shadespire #standarddeckdungeon #minis #stormcast #Nighthaunts
#SoloGaming in #Shadespire
2 games of #StandardDeckDungeon, with #Minis.
#AmmisDawnguard has to die and come back from the dead, again, to finally find the last 2 shadeglass trinkets needed to obtain the method to use a certain portal from the Bargainer.
Now, all she has to do is reach and cross it again, to find her way back to base. Hopefully her mini campain will end soon with a last game of 2 Hour Dungeon Crawl.
#sologaming #shadespire #standarddeckdungeon #minis #ammisdawnguard
#SoloGaming in #Shadespire
#AmmisDawnguard is still trying to find her way back to her comrades through the labyrinthine mirrored city.
Ruleset used: #StandardDeckDungeon, with #Minis.
Her goals: find shadeglass trinkets ("gems" in SDD) to pay for the help of the mysterious Bargainer ("Spell Scrolls Merchant" in SDD) & find the Exit.
The Bargainer: #MageKnight Minions "Mindsifter", an ugly mini but one that works here.
The "Magic Shield" here is the ghost of a #StormcastEternal Sequitor Prime.
#sologaming #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #standarddeckdungeon #minis #mageknight #stormcasteternal
#StandardDeckDungeon with #Minis
Mission: "Suffer 1 Pit Trap, Open 1 Treasure Chest, Reveal Dungeon Exit".
Reduced to 1HP, Golden Guy was lucky to find a Magic Rope in the Treasure Chest guarded by the Troll (finding the Magic Shield helped too). That allowed him to cross the pit trap a second time without injury.
#TabletopGaming #SoloGaming
#standarddeckdungeon #minis #tabletopgaming #sologaming
#StandardDeckDungeon with #Minis
It was up to Agent Hawk to complete the mission. Deafeated a Slime, found a Fickle Foutain & a second gem that he used to buy a Health Scroll from the Spell Scroll Merchant (just in case...).
#TabletopGaming #SoloGaming
The mini is the Delta Commando from the #Tannhäuser boardgame.
#standarddeckdungeon #minis #tabletopgaming #sologaming #tannhäuser
#StandardDeckDungeon with #Minis, Mission failed thanks to a very difficult #zombie and a #trogg. Back-up Agent Ratskin managed to retrieve Agent Frank for reanimation, dispatching the trogg about to eat his body. Consolation prizes: 1 Retry Potion, 1 Gem, 1 Rusty Key.
#TabletopGaming #SoloGaming
#standarddeckdungeon #minis #zombie #trogg #tabletopgaming #sologaming
#StandardDeckDungeon with #Minis, #MinesOfMoria style.
#Gimli's assignment: "Suffer HP down to 1, Open one locked door, Reveal Dungeon Exit." Found a Rusty Key in a chest, 2 gems to bargain with, and the Magic Shield. Enough to accomplish the mission.
#TabletopGaming #SoloGaming #LotR
#standarddeckdungeon #minis #minesofmoria #gimli #tabletopgaming #sologaming #lotr
That 2nd #Wolfen Repentant's assignment: defeat a Fang and a Great Fang warrior & find the exit. That one had more luck with the chests. Found a Rusty Key & 2 Moon Fragments that, with the help of the Lone Wolf, allowed him to swap 2 rooms and disarm a spike trap. Fought a Predator, 2 Fangs & a Great Fang, suffered a total of -3HP but managed to leave the cave, with a Ribbon of Protection & a Retry Potion.
#StandardDeckDungeon #Minis #TabletopGaming #SoloGaming
#wolfen #standarddeckdungeon #minis #tabletopgaming #sologaming
That #Wolfen Repentant's assignment: defeat a Fang and a Great Fang warrior & find the exit. He found 2 locked doors, the pack leader and traps... He defeated a Fang & a Predator with no trouble but suffered a total of -4HP from explosions while searching for something usefull in "treasure" chests & -2HP from a Fickle Foutain. So he decided going through the second Predator or die trying. Guess what? He died trying. #StandardDeckDungeon #Minis #TabletopGaming #SoloGaming
#wolfen #standarddeckdungeon #minis #tabletopgaming #sologaming
Killing time, and trolls...
#SoloGaming #StandardDeckDungeon with Minis...
#sologaming #standarddeckdungeon
#ProjectSDDWM #SoloGaming #StandardDeckDungeon with #Minis... & #OffTheDead items cards as #dungeon rooms.
Agent Frank's orders: kill the Big Bad Monster! He dies trying.
The Bureau sends Agent Hakka as back up. Almost dies too. Badly wounded, out of strategic options, he grabs the body of Agent Frank, so that the tech guyz could relive him, and gets the Frak! out of that cursed place...
#projectsddwm #sologaming #standarddeckdungeon #minis #offthedead #dungeon
#ProjectSDDWM #SoloGaming
2nd game of Standard Deck Dungeon... with #Minis
#StandardDeckDungeon is a card game that simulates the experience of a roguelike dungeon crawler, using nothing but a standard deck of playing cards.
#projectsddwm #sologaming #minis #standarddeckdungeon