Congratulations to physicist and EPFL professor Lesya Shchutska for winning the #LatsisPrize 2023. Her research concerns particles that do not exist in the #StandardModel but may make up #DarkMatter.
#latsisprize #standardmodel #darkmatter
The muon, a subatomic particle similar to the electron, has been measured with unprecedented precision in a new experiment at Fermilab. The findings revealed a discrepancy with the theoretical prediction, suggesting that there may be new physics beyond the Standard Model due to the muon's tiny magnetic moment, which is affected by the quantum fluctuations of other particles.
#muon #standardmodel #fermilab
Quantum spin explained, fermions are particles with degrees of freedom to respond to environment, bosons use up their freedom with traits by being carriers and express instead through Mendelian inheritance supersymmetric quantum field-particle theory #cern #Fermilab #StandardModel #particlephysics #genetics
#cern #fermilab #standardmodel #particlephysics #genetics
#CMSPaper 1231: It is commonly accepted that the #StandardModel is an effective theory, meaning it stops working at high energy. This #measurement uses #topquarks to test a pragmatic extension to the standard model, called standard model effective field theory (#SMEFT) assuming that more complex interactions are possible and each will change the behavior of existing particles like top quarks. And those changes can be checked (which is what this paper does)
#CMSPaper #standardmodel #measurement #topquarks #smeft
#BrianKeating - How Did Our #Universe Begin?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Science #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #Inflation #StandardModel #Guth #AlanGuth #MagneticMonopoles #Monopoles #FlatnessProblem #Topology #Gravity #GeneralRelativity #Multiverse #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #multiverse #generalrelativity #gravity #topology #flatnessproblem #monopoles #magneticmonopoles #alanguth #guth #standardmodel #inflation #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #science #philosophyofscience #philosophy #universe #briankeating
Bemused by the @BBC write-up of the #muon #gminus2 result - very cool to have this experimental precision, but when the theory prediction is still up in the air how can anyone say the #StandardModel isn't working and you need a #FifthForce?
#fifthforce #standardmodel #gminus2 #muon
What If The Physical #Constants Are Not #Constant?
#NASASpaceNews #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Science #Cosmology #Physics #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Universe #Cosmos #ΛCDM #LCDM #CDM #StandardModel #JWST #Relativity #GeneralRelativity #GR
#gr #generalrelativity #relativity #jwst #standardmodel #cdm #lcdm #λcdm #cosmos #universe #astrophysics #astronomy #physics #cosmology #science #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #nasaspacenews #constant #constants
"“I don’t think Guinness tracks this, but if they did, we’d have a new world record,” says physicist Tanya Roussy of the University of Colorado Boulder. The new measurement is so precise that, if an electron were the size of Earth, any asymmetry in its shape would have to be on a scale smaller than an atom.""
#particles #physics #electrons #standardmodel
Today marks the 11th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs Boson by CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The final missing piece of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, it's one of the biggest discoveries of the 21st Century. The Higgs Boson is what's responsible for giving other particles mass. ⚛️
Tags: #CERN #HiggsBoson #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Cosmology #Physics #Science
#cern #higgsboson #standardmodel #particlephysics #cosmology #physics #science
#SabineHossenfelder - "I don't believe in free will. This is why."
#Philosophy #Physics #Science #PhilosophyOfScience #Cosmology #ParticlePhysics #Will #Agency #FreeWill #Determinism #StandardModel #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Emergence #Randomness
#randomness #emergence #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #standardmodel #determinism #freewill #agency #will #particlephysics #cosmology #philosophyofscience #science #physics #philosophy #sabinehossenfelder
Our #standardmodel of #cosmology is both a triumph and a jumbled mess -
#Cosmologists are largely still in the dark about the #forces that drive the #Universe.
#standardmodel #cosmology #cosmologists #Forces #universe
At the @_Moriond_ conference, @ATLASexperiment and @CMSexperiment both observed the simultaneous production of four top quarks, a rare phenomenon that could hold the key to physics beyond the #StandardModel.
Find out more:
The standard model of cosmology is the best explanation we have for the origin and evolution of the universe. However, it is imperfect and has some cracks that reveal its limitations. These cracks include the nature of dark matter, dark energy, inflation, and the cosmic microwave background.
#Cosmology #StandardModel #CracksInTheUniverse
#cosmology #standardmodel #cracksintheuniverse
🌌 New #DarkMatter Lecture! 💫 Discover #axions, learn about the #ALPS II experiment & more from the #OpenAccess @DESYnews lecture at 🎥
🗣 Don't be shy; ask your questions on Enabla and get answers from the lecturers themselves! Let's learn together!🤩
What is dark matter, and what are some current methods scientists are using to detect it? In this lecture, we explore the topic of this elusive substance that makes up approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. We discuss the evidence for the existence of dark matter, including gravitational lensing and the stability of galaxies, as well as the challenges in detecting it due to its lack of interaction with ordinary matter. We then focus on a particular candidate for dark matter called axions and describe an experiment aimed at detecting them using high-power lasers and strong magnets cooled to extremely low temperatures. The ALPS II experiment will significantly improve the sensitivity to a possible axion signal and could therefore provide crucial insight into the nature of dark matter. We also briefly discuss other methods for detecting dark matter, such as observing astrophysical processes. Finally, we consider the implications of dark matter for our understanding of the universe and the future directions of research in this exciting field. The lecture was given during the DESY Ukraine Winter School in February 2023.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on #Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#Physics #Astrophysics #StandardModel #HighEnergyPhysics #HEP #ParticlePhysics #GravitationalLensing #Cosmology #IAXO
#iaxo #cosmology #gravitationallensing #particlephysics #hep #highenergyphysics #standardmodel #astrophysics #physics #enabla #free #openaccess #alps #axions #darkmatter
New measurement of W boson mass agrees with Standard Model of particle physics, lowering hopes of new physics in this sector. But both particle physics and cosmology face gaps and tensions in their standard models, such as dark matter, gravity, and Hubble constant. More data and theories needed to solve these puzzles. #physics #cosmology #standardmodel #Wboson #Hubbletension
#physics #cosmology #standardmodel #wboson #hubbletension
#Galaxyclusters yield new evidence for #standardmodel of #cosmology
#galaxyclusters #standardmodel #cosmology
I woke up this morning thinking about how weird the fermion generations are. Charged fermions have three discrete generation values, and those generation values are conserved under photon, gluon, and Higgs interactions, only changing under the weak interaction. But in the SM as modified to give neutrinos mass, they oscillate between generation eigenstates, and they do so spontaneously without any contributions from W interactions (since that would change their flavor to charged lepton) or AFAIK Z interactions (unless they're constantly emitting and reabsorbing Z bosons as they travel, which seems unlikely since the rotation is continuous).
That tells me that generations themselves are a broken symmetry, in the sense that a continuous degree of freedom has been constrained so that it can only take on one of three discrete values, but neutrinos experience the symmetry in its unbroken, continuous form. The fact that the weak interaction can *optionally* change generation while changing flavor indicates that the electroweak sector is involved, but AFAIK the SM does not explain why it would trigger the existence of particle generations.
(I wonder if the broken SU(2) symmetry *is* the generation. It would neatly explain why there are exactly three generations, via the well-known fact that SU(2) is a double cover of SO(3), so each generation could be an orthogonal axis on the unit sphere in R^3.)
Please tell me that someone else has noticed this? I've never seen anyone talk about it.
#physics #standardmodel #electroweak #higgs
Today at the #Moriond conference, the @ATLASexperiment & @CMSexperiment have both reported the observation of a rare phenomenon: the simultaneous production of four top quarks, which could hold the key to physics beyond the #StandardModel.
Find out more:
#LawrenceKrauss - How #Vast is the #Cosmos?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #StandardModel #Forces #Particles #Matter #Space #Time #SpaceTime #Scale #Physics #ParticlePhysics #Emergence #Unification #GrandUnification #GUT #TheoryOfEverything #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #TheoryOfEverything #gut #grandunification #unification #emergence #particlephysics #physics #scale #spacetime #time #space #matter #particles #forces #standardmodel #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #cosmos #vast #lawrencekrauss