Today, September 4, 1985, author Gordie Lachance reads in the @Oregonian that his childhood best friend, Chris Chambers, has died. Gordie reflects on the adventures they had over Labor Day weekend in 1959 in Castle Rock, Oregon (Stand By Me, 1986)
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #standbyme
Britney’s Blog - My Connection to Stand By Me
#StandByMe #Movie #Film #Change #Growth
#growth #change #film #movie #standbyme
Pour Catherine @crideaukikuchi
C’est par #WillyDeVille que #StandByMe est le plus chouette. Il en existe plein de live (dont un avec Vanessa Paradis à Taratata)
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #Tootradio
#willydeville #standbyme #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio
"You Guys Wanna Go See A Dead Body?"
For our classic movie we have an iconic coming-of-age tale set long ago one hot summer - Stand By Me (1986). Starring River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell and Kiefer Sutherland, and based the novella The Body by Stephen King.
#film #podcast #standbyme #1980s #stephenking
“If I could only have one food to eat for the rest of my life? That's easy. Pez. Chewbacca flavor Pez.”
#toys #candy #StarWars #StandByMe
#toys #candy #starwars #standbyme
It just occurred to me that it's pretty difficult to describe the plot for Stand by Me (1986) without it sounding like a Harmony Korine or Tod Solondz film. "Latch-key kids go on an Odyssey to look at a dead body." Give Wil Wheaton a thrift shop skateboard and some bunny ears, and balance out the Buddy Holly soundtrack with some European death metal, and it's basically a Gummo spin-off.
#StandByMe #Gummo #CineMastodon #RandomThoughts #FanArt
#standbyme #gummo #cinemastodon #randomthoughts #FanArt
#BlackMastodon #standbyme #beneking #harp #amyturk
少年隊 ニッキがまさか❣ “STAND BY ME” SPエディション
#Johnny’s #standbyme #ジャニーズ #ジャニーズアイドルは #夜もヒッパレ #奇跡の軌跡 #少年隊 #東山紀之 #植草克秀 #錦織一清
#johnny #standbyme #ジャニーズ #ジャニーズアイドルは #夜もヒッパレ #奇跡の軌跡 #少年隊 #東山紀之 #植草克秀 #錦織一清
Hey, now! Sem is killing it!
#Sem #StandByMe
#DSDS #Recalls #TrashTV
#sem #standbyme #DSDS #Recalls #trashtv #deutschlandsuchtdensuperstar
Für Insider. Das ist Roll and Rock ;-)
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No, I won't be afraid
No, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me
Painting by Leonid Afremov
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. David Fincher #DavidFincher
2. Pierre Palmade #PierrePalmade
3. Stand by Me (film) #StandByMe(Film)
#davidfincher #pierrepalmade #standbyme #wikipediacuriosite
Just rewatched #StandByMe.
Had a few tears in my eyes throughout. What a brilliant, smart, wise film. What a well-aged film. What talent. Wow....
#standbyme #stephenking #thebody
From #StandByMe to #StarTrek, #JerryOConnell has had a fascinating career. Learn more about him in just 5 minutes in today's #SciFi5. #nerdlyfe
#standbyme #startrek #jerryoconnell #SciFi5 #nerdlyfe
Say Happy Birthday to Jerry O'Connell
#BOTD 1974 by watching him as Vern Tessio in #StandByMe
#RobReiner #WilWheaton #RiverPhoenix #CoreyFeldman #Movies #WhatToWatch
#botd #standbyme #robreiner #wilwheaton #riverphoenix #coreyfeldman #movies #WhatToWatch
ハスキーボイス女性が『虹/菅田将暉』を歌ってみた(女性キー+4)【STAND BY MEドラえもん2】(フル歌詞)cover by nonka_doraemon【NIJI/Masaki Suda】
【今までの歌ってみたはこちら】 毎週土曜日に動画UP☆ 『いいね&チャンネル登録』で応援よろしく♪ コメントもたくさん待ってます☆ 【nonkaの最新やプライベート】 【instagram】 https://w
#Doraemon #Male #MasakiSuda #Mステ #nonkaのんか #SONY #STANDBYME #SudaMasaki #THEFIRSTFAKE #thefirsttake #UC2VpUZga7gZ45PMEx6GdG_Q #カバー #カラオケ #キーあげ #スタンドバイミー #ドラえもん #ファーストテイク #ミュージックステーション #主題歌 #女性が歌う #女性キー #歌ってみた #石崎ひゅーい #菅田将暉 #虹
#虹 #菅田将暉 #石崎ひゅーい #歌ってみた #女性キー #女性が歌う #主題歌 #ミュージックステーション #ファーストテイク #ドラえもん #スタンドバイミー #キーあげ #カラオケ #カバー #UC2VpUZga7gZ45PMEx6GdG_Q #THEFIRSTTAKE #THEFIRSTFAKE #sudamasaki #standbyme #sony #nonkaのんか #mステ #MasakiSuda #male #doraemon
Gordie LaChance and Chris Chambers from Stand By Me 🥵 I shipped these two so mf hard when I watched the film!
#standbyme #chrischambers #gordielachance #nsfw #liveactionshota #shotacon #shota #ショタ
#standbyme #chrischambers #gordielachance #nsfw #liveactionshota #shotacon #shota #ショタ
Finally watched the movie Stand By Me (1986) and immediately fell in love with Gordie and Chris (mainly Gordie clearly) so I just had to whore this boy out 🤤😩 #fanart #Standbyme #gordielachance #liveactionshota #shota #nsfw #shotacon #chrischambers #newpost #yaoi
#fanart #standbyme #gordielachance #liveactionshota #shota #nsfw #shotacon #chrischambers #newpost #yaoi