I'm appalled that this university event would invite a white nationalist like Nick Fuentes to be the headliner! This is an affront to our values and completely unacceptable. #NoHate #NoBigotry #FreedomOfSpeech #RespectForAll #StandForJustice https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7kxk5x/gop-groups-claim-they-were-tricked-into-supporting-extremist-event
#nohate #nobigotry #freedomofspeech #respectforall #standforjustice
RT @USUA_Activists: https://t.co/zkOasOS7uJ Thanks to everyone who prayed with us at the Vigil organized by US Ukrainian Activists (USUA) to commemorate Bucha’s and all Ukraine’s victims of russia’s genocidal war. #StandForJustice #russiaIsATerroristState #SpecialTribunalForRussia #DC #dmv #Ukraine https://t.co/tlGtOYKS2P
#standforjustice #RussiaIsATerroristState #specialtribunalforrussia #DC #dmv #ukraine
https://t.co/zkOasOS7uJ Thanks to everyone who prayed with us at the Vigil organized by US Ukrainian Activists (USUA) to commemorate Bucha’s and all Ukraine’s victims of russia’s genocidal war. #StandForJustice #russiaIsATerroristState #SpecialTribunalForRussia #DC #dmv #Ukraine https://t.co/tlGtOYKS2P
#standforjustice #RussiaIsATerroristState #specialtribunalforrussia #DC #dmv #ukraine
This is a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for justice and equality in Israel. #JusticeForAll #EqualityForAll #RightsForAll #StandForJustice #FightForRights https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/01/middleeast/israel-right-wing-protesters-attack-intl/index.html
#justiceforall #equalityforall #rightsforall #standforjustice #fightforrights