Bei der Unterstützung der #Ukraine leistet #Tschechien enormes und zeigt, was es heißt, für #Frieden in #Europa einzustehen. Ihr habt als erste schwere Waffen geliefert und wir konnten Euch mit dem Ringtausch unterstützen. #StandingWithUkraine Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock 4/4
#ukraine #Tschechien #frieden #europa #standingwithukraine
#MastoArt #ukraine #artists #standingwithukraine #peace #warcrimes
Not our final post of the year, but we would be remiss not to reflect on the tragedy’s that have pierced deep into our soul throughout this year, unfortunately there have been so many, for all of us. Our friend and follow artist, Elena Bereza was murdered by Russians for painting the Ukrainian flag on any surface she could find. They may have killed her but her art lives on as a symbol of Ukrainian perseverance!
#MastoArt #ukraine #artists #standingwithukraine #peace #warcrimes
Bom dia , bonjour , morning
#riseandshine #standingwithukraine
Bom dia , bonjour , morning
Bora lá que está quase !
#StandingWithUkraine 💙💛🌻
#standingwithukraine #riseandshine
Yes, I swear like a sailor and drink like a fish...I'm a fucking mermaid!
Pro #LGBTQ #AZBlue #BLM #ProChoice #AntiTrump #StandingWithUkraine #BBBCrew #bluecrew
#lgbtq #azblue #blm #prochoice #antitrump #standingwithukraine #bbbcrew #bluecrew