We're unmasking PTSD - exploring its roots, triggers, and the relentless battle to heal. It's not a sign of weakness but of a mind tried in fire. Join me, Jim Lunsford, in understanding PTSD's causes. #StandTall #FaceTheStorm
🎶Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
But not by law
I feed you #dignity to stand with #pride
Realize that all in all you #StandTall🎶
#ArrestedDevelopment - #MrWendal - [Official Music Video] - YouTube
#mrwendal #arresteddevelopment #standtall #pride #dignity
There are days Skye thinks she’s six feet tall too and forgets that she is a very smol bun. 💖 #SkyeLove #StandTall
Today was rough...you are NOT alone in life's challenges!
#Mindset and ALL-IN, stubborn commitmen is everything. Regroup, reset and do what you've got to do for yourself. TRUST your gut and be brave.
Watch what happened:
#overcome #anxiety #midlife #mentalhealth
#worry #stress #standtall #fortypercentrule #planB #controlyourself #selfcare #longgame #tomorrow #brave #adversity #challenges #midlifecrisis #startingover #bloodpressure #mentalstrength #commitment
#mindset #overcome #anxiety #midlife #mentalhealth #worry #stress #standtall #fortypercentrule #planB #controlyourself #selfcare #LongGame #tomorrow #brave #adversity #challenges #midlifecrisis #startingover #bloodpressure #mentalstrength #commitment
If you stand tall, the wind will break you.
#landfarfaraway #standtall #storyweaver #storyteller