The student movement is ongoing and growing, with anarchist and socialist students leading the way! Rise up Gen Z! Together with faculty, unions, and the community, they are fighting hard against DeSantis and his fascist genocide project.
Today University of Miami will walk out at noon!
There have now been two walkouts at FAU, two at FIU, walkouts at several highs schools in Broward, a lawsuit against PBAU for the termination of @samuel_joeckel and the screenings of The Poison Garden (after NSEU banned it) in community centers and libraries across SFL, all in opposition to the recent legislative agenda from the fascists in Tally.
This joining a mass movement across the state of Florida, even despite repression. It seems that there is another call for statewide walkout every week as one school after another says enough is enough.
They know that fascist state with which they are facing off will stop at nothing to repress them. Already the Tampa 5 with @tampabaysds were brutally arrested, violated, and now face expulsion. Please call USF and demand that the discipline proceedings are dismissed and the officers involved are terminated. Sign the petition. Donate to their legal defense. We keep us safe!
Nevertheless, students are fighting against this fascist agenda and the repression that seeks to protect it. They are holding teach-ins to bring in more and more of their fellow students, faculty, community members, and organized labor. This sends a clear message: ban what you will, but education will not stop. Imagine this world, where our community, student and otherwise, has constant access to education free of state regulation.
Watch this space. Organize, unionize, revolt! Civil unrest now!
#StudentMovement #OccupyFlorida #StandUpFightBack #Anarchism #Socialism #Liberation
@unicornriot @soflaadmin @igd_news @CrimethInc @FLA_YLF @AtlantaAntifa @dsa_lsc @blackrose_rosanegra @guerrillaincjohnbrowngunclub @LukefromDC @nightrunner321 @soupformyfamilyatl
#StudentMovement #occupyflorida #standupfightback #anarchism #socialism #liberation
Shout out to Community Defenders in Vancouver who took action at yesterday's #InternationalDayOfTransVisibility event.
When trans rights are under attack,
What do we do? #PunchNazis
J/K #StandUpFightBack
But also, #AlwaysPunchNazis
#CommunityDefence #FuckTransphobia #fuckhomopobia #FuckThePolice #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#FashWatchCanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
#internationaldayoftransvisibility #punchnazis #standupfightback #alwayspunchnazis #CommunityDefence #fucktransphobia #fuckhomopobia #fuckthepolice #transrightsarehumanrights #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
On way home from a fab #IWD2023 in Belfast.
Where women's rights are under attack
Where migrant rights are under attack
Where children's rights are under attack
Where trans rights are under attack
We #StandUpFightBack
RT @All4Choice
Join us at the International Women's Day Rally this Saturday 4th March! Gather at Writers Square from 11am, marching to City Hall, then events in 2 Royal avenue from 2pm! Find out more here #standupfightback #IWD2023 @ReclaimAgenda
As heard on @ThomHartmann...
The #GQP constantly brings up socialism when talking about Democrats - must be the reason they're against #Medicare #SocialSecurity #Roads and #PublicSafety
It's time for Democrats to bring up fascism when discussing Republicans!
#TakeTheGlovesOff #USPolitics #politics
#StandUpFightBack #TakeAction
#takeaction #standupfightback #Politics #uspolitics #taketheglovesoff #publicsafety #roads #socialsecurity #medicare #GQP
As heard on @ThomHartmann...
The #GQP constantly brings up socialism when talking about Democrats. It's long past time for Democrats to bring up fascism when discussing Republicans!
#standupfightback #uspolitics #taketheglovesoff #GQP
This 👇🏼 is the truth, not the BS & propaganda spread by Westminster
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #StandUpFightBack ✊
#ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryLies
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #standupfightback #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryLies
No wonder they claim they can’t afford to pay nurses more - they’re too busy paying themselves (& their families & friends)
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #StandUpFightBack ✊
#ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #standupfightback #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern
RAFFWU members at are striking again today for the most basic conditions. This $3 Trillion company claims to be progressive while refusing to treat workers with dignity.
#applestrike #rosterjustice #StandUpFightBack #fightbackwithRAFFWU
#applestrike #rosterjustice #standupfightback #fightbackwithraffwu
Seeing the turnout in #SanAntonio tonight in support of the #DragShow has me all emotional and teary-eyed. The #queer community there really showed up! #QueerMeansAttack #StandUpFightBack #WeProtectUs #CommunityDefense
#SanAntonio #dragshow #queer #QueerMeansAttack #standupfightback #weprotectus #communitydefense
@sequethin They don’t. No one thinks this is safe. . . No one. It’s literally from an 80s sci fi movie. They don’t care about our safety, only control. They want to control the masses (read poverty and working classes) by any violent means necessary. Anything to keep profits up, and costs down. Because remember, the only thing better to them than fascism is increasingly profitable, increasingly violent, fascism. Fuck the pigs. Fuck the USA. #acab #blm #transrights #fascism #1312 #standupfightback #proportionalresponse
#acab #blm #transrights #fascism #standupfightback #proportionalresponse
Dear cis people:
The time to start fighting for #trans folks was yesterday. It is not the time to be nice and not cause any problems. Do not give nazis "the benefit of the doubt". In the 1930's there were "nice" people who sat by and let fascism take over. Don't be one of those people. Be a problem.
Fascism doesn't begin with extermination camps, they were a result of it. And you need to act now before it gets to that point. We do not need #allies we need #accomplices.
#trans #allies #accomplices #standupfightback #transliberation
I sincerely hope people realize that this has been their plan the entire time if the red wave they were hoping for didn't happen.
Openly advocating for violence against and the murders of #transgender and #GenderNonconforming people has been happening for a while now and it wasn't just for the elections, it was for if they lost too.
#Fascism is here folks.
We can't be afraid to #StandUpFightBack. It's not the government or politicians who will keep us safe, we will keep us safe. #WeProtectUs!
#transgender #gendernonconforming #fascism #standupfightback #weprotectus
I sincerely hope people realize that this has been their plan the entire time if the red wave they were hoping for didn't happen.
Openly advocating for violence against and murdering #transgender and #GenderNonconforming people has been happening for a while now and it wasn't just for the elections, it was for if they lost too.
#Fascism is here folks.
We can't be afraid to #StandUpFightBack. It's not the government or politicians who will keep us safe, we will keep us safe. #WeProtectUs!
#transgender #gendernonconforming #fascism #standupfightback #weprotectus
I sincerely hope people realize that this has been their plan the entire time if the red wave they were hoping for didn't happen.
Openly advocating for violence against and murdering #transgender and #GenderNonconforming people has been happening for a while now and it wasn't just for the elections, it was for if they lost too.
#Fascism is here folks.
We can't be afraid to #StandUpFightBack. It's not the government or politicians who will keep us safe, we will keep us safe. #WeProtectUs!
#transgender #gendernonconforming #fascism #standupfightback #weprotectus
Happy 6th birthday to RAFFWU
“With many campaigns on numerous fronts it was great to pause and reflect on how much has been achieved in our 6th year.”
#solidarity #standupfightback #raffwu
8 people died. 15 wounded. Fuck your "love and light" bullshit. Thoughts and prayers aren't saving people.
Orlando! Tonight! #StandUpFightBack
Men in Vietnam no Longer Tolerate Tyrants, America Welcomes It.
#factsmatter #nomorecompliance #standupfightback