Please speak out for the Indigenous people of Sipora in their struggle to save their livelihoods and survival on their small island by signing our petition.
#RainforestRescue #StandUpForForests #EndNativeForestLogging 🦜 🌴
#endnativeforestlogging #standupforforests #rainforestrescue
It doesn't have to be this way. Other companies already use perfectly suitable alternatives, such as recycled paper, bamboo or even wheat straw.
Costco is just as capable of making this change and protecting the boreal forest in the process. But the company needs to hear from you.
#StandUpForForests #EndNativeForestLogging #ProtectOurWildlife 🦬
#protectourwildlife #endnativeforestlogging #standupforforests
Our sacred territories are the inheritance of our grandparents and parents, and as Indigenous youth, we want to pass on that legacy to our children and #FutureGenerations. We want our medicines and our healthy foods to be here for those who come after us.
That's why we are here, and that's why we must unite. We all have legacies to protect and a world to defend.
In unity,
#SíAlYasuní #YesToYasuni #StandUpForForests #ProtectOurWildlife
#futuregenerations #protectourwildlife #standupforforests #yestoyasuni #sialyasuni
Sommerzeit ist Grillzeit! Doch woher kommt die Holzkohle dafür? Vielleicht aus #Paraguay!
Dort kämpft das indigene Volk der #Manjui um sein angestammtes Land im #Chaco. #Holzkohle - und #Rindfleischproduzenten haben es in Besitz genommen und Trockenwald abgeholzt.
Der Staat hat zwar 1998 einen Teil des Landes für die Manjui erworben – doch seit 25 Jahren warten die #Indigenen auf die Rückgabe von 38.406 Hektar Land.
#standupforforests #Indigenen #rindfleischproduzenten #holzkohle #chaco #manjui #paraguay
The imposition of land-grabbing laws will directly threaten the safety of #communities in affected territories, increase the risk of further resource #exploitation, and exacerbate #ClimateChange.
#TheWrongAmazonIsBurning #Amazon #StandUpForForests #ProtectOurWildlife 🦜
#amazonwatch #protectourwildlife #standupforforests #amazon #thewrongamazonisburning #climatechange #exploitation #communities
which will mean that forest dwelling people will no longer be consulted.
This Bill is extremely worrisome for the kind of
danger it brings to the Indian land and soil. Many #scientists, civil servants, #environmentalists, students and politicians have already sent the Government of India their objections and it is time we do too.
We need to stop this Bill now!
- Poovulagin Nanbargal and
#standupforforests #environmentalists #scientists #stopfca
#EnvironmentalAction is urging the company to start by committing to cut the amount of virgin wood fibers in its tissue products in half by 2025.
Nothing we use for a few minutes should lead to the destruction of something as timeless and priceless as North America's #boreal #forest.
- Environmental Action
#ProtectOurWildlife 🦌
#protectourwildlife #stopnativeforestlogging #standupforforests #forest #boreal #environmentalaction
Please #Care for the #Environment - There is no #PlanetB 🌲🦅💧✊
#ecojustice #Environmentalist #EarthProtectors #WaterProtectors #ForestDefenders #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #StopDeforestation #activism #ProtectWhatYouLove #NatureFirst #WildFirst #DirectAction #protest #activism #WorthMoreStanding #protectOldGrowth #SpeakUpForNature #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #VancouverIsland #PacificNorthwest #StandUpForForests #PlanetBeforeProfits #ProtectTheWild #OldGrowth
#care #environment #planetb #ecojustice #environmentalist #earthprotectors #waterprotectors #forestdefenders #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #stopdeforestation #activism #protectwhatyoulove #naturefirst #wildfirst #directaction #protest #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #speakupfornature #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #vancouverisland #pacificnorthwest #standupforforests #planetbeforeprofits #protectthewild #oldgrowth