Scientists & researchers continue to face harassment & political interference. Your help allows us to protect & counsel scientists, monitor federal & state governments, & stand up for scientific integrity.
Become a monthly donor today & take a stand for science!
#standupforscience #fightdisinformation #climatescience
DeSantis is "asking the Florida Supreme Court to make a statewide grand jury to investigate the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines."
Yes: the current GOP presidential frontrunner is a vaccine-denier.
We need EVERYONE to lift-up & amplify SCIENCE & FACTS.
#StandUpForScience #vaccineswork #VaccinesAreSafe
#standupforscience #vaccineswork #vaccinesaresafe
@Marla_MarineBiol I am not in that community-just a plain ol' person-doctor and epidemiologist; but ALWAYS love finding other scientists! We all have to #StandUpForScience.
Stand up for Science
A bit late to apply for this, sharing anyway as it raises awareness for the next workshop.
#Science #StandUpForScience #Evidence #Workshop
#science #standupforscience #evidence #workshop