I stand with the #Tennessee3 Shame on Republicans in the #TennesseeHouse This is blatant #Racism #StandUpSpeakOut #RepJustinJones #StandWithRepJustinJones #ShameOnTennessee
#tennessee3 #tennesseehouse #racism #standupspeakout #repjustinjones #standwithrepjustinjones #shameontennessee
Be #relentless with #fighting for #SocialJustice & #EcoJustice ✊ #StandUpSpeakOut against #crapitalism & #colonial forces that fuel #evil in this world. It's 2022 - f**k #WhiteSupremacy & anyone who supports it. #Environmental #racism isn't a myth, it's an #UglyReality & it needs to STOP🛑
#solidarity #FightAgainstEvil #AsianMastodon #NativeMastodon #BlackMastodon #POCMastodon #StopEcocide #HumanRights #FightForJustice #FightTheSystem #decolonize #PowerToThePeople #AntiRacism #BIPOC
#relentless #fighting #socialjustice #ecojustice #standupspeakout #crapitalism #colonial #evil #whitesupremacy #environmental #racism #uglyreality #solidarity #fightagainstevil #asianmastodon #nativemastodon #blackmastodon #pocmastodon #stopecocide #humanrights #FightForJustice #fightthesystem #decolonize #powertothepeople #antiracism #bipoc
A bit of info about the "First They Came For.." poem:
There are different versions of the quotation bc it originated from Martin Niemöller’s impromptu public speeches. The quotation expresses Niemöller’s belief that Germans had been complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution, & murder of millions of people. He felt this to be especially true of the leaders of the Protestant churches, which were made up of Lutheran, Reformed, & United traditions.
â–¶ #StandUpSpeakOut â—€
It's been 10 yrs since Sandy Hook, & since then, Americans have bought at least 150M guns. Today, there have been nearly 500 more killed in mass shootings across US.
70% of Americans are for gun control laws:
We need to question/push why our Elected officials are not doing what the majority has been begging for. Lives of children & citizens should not be ignored. #StandUpSpeakOut
These people make me sick! Why open a business to the public if you are NOT going to do business with ALL of the public?? This is just bigotry/hatred wrapped up as "religious liberty" and it's not like we haven't been here before many times. #StandUpSpeakOut #LGBTQRightsAreHumanRights #StopHate
#standupspeakout #lgbtqrightsarehumanrights #StopHate
It's our duty, as citizens of the world, who are against craptalism, human rights violations, ecocidal maniacs, immoral filthy rich & governments who support all those things we loathe - to never be scared into silence & to fight hard, for the rest of our lives, against the multiple evils that contribute towards lack of humanity & destruction of our one livable planet.
#powertothepeople #citizensuprising #standupspeakout