'Dear right-winger, neo-liberal, anxiety-ridden denizen of India, this is for you.
This is basically a primer on the four major subversions that JNU has wrought on this Bharat Mata of yours...'
#jnu #JNUProtests #standwithJNU #JNUBachaoAndolan #jnuprotest
#jnuprotest #jnu #JNUProtests #standwithJNU #JNUBachaoAndolan
This is how school kids respond to JNU Protestors yesterday. ❤❤❤
#standwithJNU #TaxPayersWithJNU #india
Exceptional bravery, fortitude, in resisting this #Modi-proto-fascist government, stooge of a hardcore #rightwing VC, their machinations towards implementing #neoliberalism on steroids. Bravo, brava! More power to the #students, and the #teachers.
#JNUProtests #standwithJNU #feesmustfall
#neoliberalism #rightwing #teachers #modi #students #JNUProtests #standwithJNU #feesmustfall