@FIFAcom #StandWithAfghanWomen Recognise Afghanistan #Women's National Football Team in Exile - follow @alivekicking23 - ¡Firma la petición! https://chng.it/FBWzLfWF a través de @change_es
"Wir, die Spielerinnen der afghanischen Frauenfußballnationalmannschaft, wurden gezwungen, aus unserem Heimatland zu fliehen, nur weil wir den Sport, den wir lieben, ausüben. Jetzt stehen wir in Australien, ausgegrenzt und ungehört, während die FIFA schweigt. die FIFA hat die afghanische Frauenfußballnationalmannschaft im Exil noch immer nicht anerkannt."
#standwithafghanwomen #fifa #afghanistan #frauenrechte
@FIFA #StandWithAfghanWomen Recognise Afghanistan Women's National Football Team in Exile @alivekicking23 - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/9QTdVrHJ via @UKChange
#petition #afganistan #AfganRefugees
#standwithafghanwomen #petition #afganistan #afganrefugees
FIFA #StandWithAfghanWomen Recognise Afghanistan Women’s National Football Team in Exile
#freedom #womensrights #football #women #afghanistan #standwithafghanwomen
RT @withoutprisons
"Women in #Afghanistan continue their protests in the houses. They call on the United Nations and countries to stand by these #Frauen instead of supporting the Taliban who have deprived them of all human rights."
#StandWithAfghanWomen https://twitter.com/ArezaoNaiby/status/1649299573918031872
#afghanistan #frauen #standwithafghanwomen
On #IWD2023 we celebrate women's rights, while recognising the work still to be done.
Today, women in Afghanistan are being denied basic rights from education to the right to work & healthcare.
We #StandWithAfghanWomen, for their equal representation & freedom in society.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1633377014722822144
#IWD2023 #standwithafghanwomen
RT @mats_tina@twitter.com
The here&now,the near future of #AfghanGirls & #AfghanWomen !
My❤️almost breaks again&again bc of the stories of Afghan women/Girls they tell me&when I see such pictures!
Cruel #religiousmisogyny !
#StandWithAfghanWomen & girls!
#FreeFromHijab & #Burqa
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mats_tina/status/1619489303503200256
#afghangirls #AfghanWomen #religiousmisogyny #standwithafghanwomen #WomenLifeFreedom #freefromhijab #burqa
RT @Zarifa_Ghafari@twitter.com
فراخوان دانشجویان هرات: بر پشت بامهای خود بلند شده و شعار «تحصیل حق ما است» سر دهید!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Zarifa_Ghafari/status/1606625738958020609
#letherlearn #standwithafghanwomen
RT @withoutprisons@twitter.com
Male university students in Nangarhar, Afghanistan refuse to participate in exams in solidarity with women barred from universities by the order of Taliban,
#StandWithAfghanWomen https://twitter.com/anarshist/status/1605512461506867200
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/withoutprisons/status/1605564407756587008
In other bad news, the Taliban continue to be awful.
RT @CW4WAfghan@twitter.com
The #Taliban have announced an official ban on higher education for all female students at both public and private universities in #Afghanistan, effective immediately. #EducationIsARight #StandWithAfghanWomen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CW4WAfghan/status/1605328936833277953
#standwithafghanwomen #educationisaright #afghanistan #taliban
RT @ChikhiNaila@twitter.com
REMIND: Am Mi. 23.11. Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Was die Afghaninnen uns zu sagen haben" im Rathaus Neukölln, mit @martinhikel@twitter.com, @TahminaAlizada@twitter.com, @Lailuma9@twitter.com, @ziba_hamidi@twitter.com, @derwisch64@twitter.com, @if_rebecca@twitter.com u. @ChikhiNaila@twitter.com.
Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiches Erscheinen!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChikhiNaila/status/1594564420453253121
RT @Zarifa_Ghafari: Following women’s protests in Kabul, Bamyan, Herat & Balkh, women of Nangarhar are also protesting against the killings of Innocent Hazara children in #Kaaj educational center, Kabul, Afghanistan.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/editeestrela/status/1577612298033717249
#Kaaj #StopHazaraGenocide #StopKillingAfghans #AfghanWomenAreUnited #standwithafghanwomen
1 anno di Talibani al potere a Kabul: Violenza, fame, povertá, e donne costrette in casa senza diritti, bambine mogli. I Talebani sono brutali come 20 anni fa. Non dimentichiamo le donne afgane! #Afghanistan #AfghanistanWomenAndGirls #AfghanWomen #Talibani #standwithafghanwomen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1559085320754417665
#Afghanistan #AfghanistanWomenAndGirls #AfghanWomen #Talibani #standwithafghanwomen