and encouraged climate activists in different places to fight for a sustainable future.
Hong's arrest is part of a worrying trend in Vietnam. She's the fifth prominent person in the country to be targeted recently, including Mr. Dang Dinh Bach, an environmental lawyer. Without courageous people like them, progress for the environment in Vietnam wouldn't be possible.
by Liangyi,
#HoangThiMinhHong #ClimateCrisis #DefendTheDefenders #StandWithBach #HumanRights #Vietnam 🇻🇳
#humanrights #standwithbach #vietnam #DefendTheDefenders #climatecrisis #hoangthiminhhong
#StandWithBach: Apoyo al abogado ambiental detenido en huelga de hambre en Vietnam · Global Voices en Español -
#StandWithBach: Support for detained environment lawyer who is on hunger strike in Vietnam
One of Vietnam's leading anti-coal activist is jailed and ready to start a hunger strike to protest his innocence. International solidarity has helped release others like him. Join the call for his freedom here #climatejustice #standwithbach
#ClimateJustice #standwithbach
Do you care about environmental defenders who have been imprisoned? Then call for the release of #Vietnamese public interest lawyer Dang Dinh Bach who has been sentenced to 5 years and continue his work for a #JustEnergyTransition in Vietnam.
#DefendTheDefenders #humanrights #standwithbach #JustEnergyTransition #vietnamese
I appeal to the government of #Vietnam to release Dang Dinh #Bach from prison immediately. Defending #HumanRights and the #environment is an act of heroic courage, not a crime.
#standwithbach #environment #humanrights #bach #vietnam
January 24 marks one year since #EnvironmentalJustice lawyer Dang Dinh #Bach was sentenced by the #Vietnamese government to 5 years in prison on “tax evasion” charges. We join his family & the internat'l community in calling for his release. #StandwithBach
#humanrights #vietnam #DefendTheDefenders #standwithbach #vietnamese #bach #environmentaljustice
Vor 1 Jahr wurde Umweltanwalt Dang Dinh Bach aus fadenscheinigen Gründen zu 5 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Die vietnam. Regierung will so die führenden Klimaaktivist*innen des Landes zum Schweigen bringen. #StandWithBach & fordert mit uns seine Freilassung!