"You may write me down in history, with your bitter twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, I'll rise..."
Whenever I recall Dr. Maya Angelou's famous poem nowadays, I am reminded forcefully of our Duchess of Sussex, Ms. Meghan Markle. She is a living breathing manifestation of every verse of that poem to me! 💖 😍
#StandWithHarryAndMeghan #StillIRise @StillIRise1963
#stillirise #standwithharryandmeghan
One of the reasons I 💖 💗 💘 #HarryAndMeghan & really support them is precisely why the toxic & vicious British press despises them. Unlike most of the rest of British politicians and the Royal Family, they stand up to & defy a toxic blackmailing press. They do not kowtow and demean themselves in the process! #StandWithHarryAndMeghan
If you have ever experienced any form of bullying/racism/harassment/discrimination in your own lifetime, you recognize the symptoms of what Meghan suffered! 😢
#standwithharryandmeghan #HarryAndMeghan