In what has to be called good news for #humanrights and #civicrights, #Beijing obviously is not done yet with the #RuleOfLaw in #HongKong.
How utterly pesky an independent #judiciary can be, right?
Time to close in on those pro-#democracy advocates I'd say.
And time for any remaining activists to leave the city for their own best.
Glory to Hong Kong!
#FarEast #liberties
#humanrights #civicrights #beijing #ruleoflaw #hongkong #judiciary #democracy #fareast #liberties #standwithhongkong
In what has to be called good news for #humanrights and #civicrights, #Beijing obviously is not done yet with the #RuleOfLaw in #HongKong.
How utterly pesky an independent #judiciary can be, right?
Time to close in on those pro-#democracy advocates I'd say.
And time for any remaining activists to leave the city for their own best.
Glory to Hong Kong!
#FarEast #liberties
#humanrights #civicrights #beijing #ruleoflaw #hongkong #judiciary #democracy #fareast #liberties #standwithhongkong
GLORY TO #HongKong.
And yes: glory to the last remaining independent #judges in Hong Kong who refuse to follow the wishes of #Beijing's puppets governing the city.
#independence #StandwithHongKong
#FarEast #China
#hongkong #judges #beijing #independence #standwithhongkong #fareast #china
Stell dir vor du bist über Jahrzehnte hochangesehener Rechtsanwalt im Geburtsort deiner Eltern. Selber bist du Staatsbürger von woanders.
Über die Jahre wird die Diktatur repressiv. Du selbstzensierst dich bis du wieder in deinem Geburtsland bist, kommentierst pointiert via Twitter von da die Entwicklungen.
Deine ehemalige Heimat setzt daraufhin ein Kopfgeld auf dich aus, beschuldigt Menschen dich zu kennen, verhaftet sie, und droht allen verbliebenen Bekannten.
We'll let you in, but we won't stop China putting a bounty on your heads.
#StandWithHongKong #UKPoltics #HumanRights
#humanrights #ukpoltics #standwithhongkong
Von den Pandemokraten, die auf der Liste stehen und wg. "Collusion with Foreign Forces" gesucht werden sind, sind mir Kevin Yam (Menschenrechtsanwalt, australischer Staatsbürger, guter Typ), Nathan Law (ehemals Demosistō= FDP der 80er Jahre, guter Typ), Dennis Kwok (Civic Party= Mainstream Intelligenzia, guter Typ) und Ted Hui (Habeck als Kommunalpolitiker, guter Typ) und Elmer Yuen ( Unternehmer, Desinfohub und Trump Unterstützer, Idiot) ein Begriff.
@bueti RT by @hk_watch: China lambasts a "small number" of European politicians over the EP's recent Hong Kong resolution. Well, over 90% of MEPs voting supported the resolution. Only 9 MEPs opposed the resolution, siding with Beijing. THAT was a "small number". #StandWithHongKong
@bueti RT by @SamGoodman22: China lambasts a "small number" of European politicians over the EP's recent Hong Kong resolution. Well, over 90% of MEPs voting supported the resolution. Only 9 MEPs opposed the resolution, siding with Beijing. THAT was a "small number". #StandWithHongKong
painting by Ricker Choi . 16日大遊行,要求撤回修訂《逃犯條例》,200萬加1人參與示威. 2019-06-16, 2 millions + 1 Hong Kongers protested against the extradition bill. #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
#光復香港時代革命 #revolutionofourtime #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands
painting by Ricker Choi . 16日大遊行,要求撤回修訂《逃犯條例》,200萬加1人參與示威. 2019-06-16, 2 millions + 1 Hong Kongers protested against the extradition bill. #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
#光復香港時代革命 #revolutionofourtime #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands
榮光歸香港 - Glory to Hong Kong - 演奏版 - performed by Ricker Choi - #願榮光歸香港 #glorytohongkong #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可
#願榮光歸香港 #glorytohongkong #光復香港時代革命 #revolutionofourtime #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可
Hongkongissa hallinto pyrkii oikeuden päätöksellä kieltämään "Glory to Hong Kong"-nimisen protestilaulun, joka nousi suosioon vuoden 2019 mielenosoituksissa. Kielto ei ole voimassa, mutta Spotify ja Apple Music ovat poistaneet sen palveluistaan. #HongKong #StandWithHongKong #FreeHongKong
#freehongkong #standwithhongkong #Hongkong
Disgraceful. He should be sanctioned, for facilitating and being complicit with #VladimirPutin's war in #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong
#vladimirputin #ukraine #standwithukraine #standwithhongkong
@maurice_mouri RT by @nathanlawkc: 先週土曜日にポチッといたNathan Law(羅冠聡)氏の「フリーダム」が届いていた😋。僕の大量の積ん読在庫に紛れ込ませることなく、この本はなるべく早いうちに読もう😙。 扉の次の頁に「民主主義を求めて投獄された僕の友人たちの犠牲を、忘却させてはならない」の言葉が….🫠。 #StandWithHongKong
R to @TGTM_Official: #StandWithHongkong fight for human rights. The abusive students have returned to China. We call on @unisouthampton to take due action and not let violence against liberty go unnoticed.
On the 4th anniversary of the #June9 march of 1.03 million #HongKongers, HKDC’s short video reminds that while it was still going on, the regime rejected its demand that the extradition bill be withdrawn, setting up the confrontation to come. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
#june9 #hongkongers #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong
2019 6.9 Hong Kong . One million hongkongers took on the peaceful protest. 4 years later, no protest is allowed or jailed even to light up a candle or to sing glory to Hong Kong . #StandWithHongKong #saynotoccp
#standwithhongkong #saynotoccp
1.03 million marched on June 6, 2019, in protest against the extradition bill. I was standing in the middle of the crowd, amazed by the sheer size of the amassed Hongkongers. We will never forget it. #FreeHK #StandwithHongKong
《願榮光歸香港 》鋼琴編曲 Ricker Choi, composed by Thomas dgx yhl Dgxmusic #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
#光復香港時代革命 #revolutionofourtime #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands
The Hong Kong government once again kicks off the Streisand effect: the #HongKong iTunes store's top songs are dominated by #GloryToHongKong, the protest anthem that authorities announced yesterday they will seek to legally ban. Source: Reddit #StandWithHongKong
#hongkong #glorytohongkong #standwithhongkong