#StandWithTeachers #StandWithLGBTQ #Strike #StayWoke #Unions #FundPublicSchools #StopFaithBasedFunding w/public money No money for home school or charter schools. No vouchers
#standwithteachers #standwithlgbtq #strike #staywoke #unions #fundpublicschools #stopfaithbasedfunding
#SilenceEqualsDeath #LGBTQ people will not be silent in the storm of irrational hatred.
We are your neighbors,friends,family members,co workers,customers, doctors,lawyers,service industry people.
#AmericanNazis will not win. #StandWithLGBTQ people. #WeAreFamily
#silenceequalsdeath #lgbtq #americannazis #standwithlgbtq #wearefamily
I stand with my LGBTQ fellow Humans
I support the right for my fellow Humans to not live in fear