Home Office removed image of Huw Edwards from tweet about migration bill after BBC complaints https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/mar/12/home-office-removed-image-huw-edwards-tweet-migration-bill-bbc-complaints?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other “Home Office sources insisted the video should not be perceived as party political but as an explainer to help the public understand the new policy”
We understand and we #StandWithRefugees
"Most of the public think the #UK should continue to take in people from war zones, according to a new study."
"88% of people who took in refugees from #Ukraine would do so again, compared with 3% who would not... 68% of Britons believe the fact that the UK has taken in more than 150,000 #refugees from Ukraine is a good thing and only 17% think it is a bad thing."
#uk #Ukraine #refugees #iamgarylineker #refugeeswelcome #democracy #humanrights #standwithrefugees
RT Refugees In LibyaThanks to @StpDeportations, all organizers who took part in the solidarity & actions to stop the first racist deportation flight which was heading to Rwanda with traumatized victims of torture & civil wars whose crimes were seeking a place of safety to live in. #StandWithRefugees