Was Stanley Johnson a bust for the Detroit Pistons? #AusarThompson #CadeCunningham #CarterElliott #CentralDivision #DetroitPistons #DetroitPistonsPodcast #EasternConference #GregWaddell #JadenIvey #JalenDuren #McafeeJoke #MontyWilliams #NBA #NbaPodcast #PatMcAfee #Pistons #PistonsBust #PistonsDraft #PistonsPodcast #sleepers #SleepersMedia #SleepersPodcast #StanleyJohnson #StanleyJohnsonBust #StanleyJohnsonHighlights #StanleyJohnsonPistons #StanleyJohnsonPodcast
#ausarthompson #cadecunningham #carterelliott #centraldivision #detroitpistons #detroitpistonspodcast #easternconference #gregwaddell #jadenivey #jalenduren #mcafeejoke #montywilliams #nba #nbapodcast #patmcafee #pistons #pistonsbust #pistonsdraft #pistonspodcast #sleepers #sleepersmedia #sleeperspodcast #stanleyjohnson #stanleyjohnsonbust #stanleyjohnsonhighlights #stanleyjohnsonpistons #stanleyjohnsonpodcast
Stanley Johnson, heaven knows
Gave his missus forty blows
Tory Fiona, such a dunce
Said that it was only once
#stanleyjohnson #FionaBruce #johnson
Rubbish! #FionaBruce did NOT provide a "legal" clarification of comments made re #StanleyJohnson. She just said that his friends called it a "one off". It wasn't. And she should not have quoted the wife-beater's friends! #DomesticViolence #BBCQT
BBC News: Fiona Bruce to step back from Refuge after 'storm' over Stanley Johnson remark on Question Time BBC News - Fiona Bruce to step back from Refuge after 'storm' over Stanley Johnson remark on Question Time
#fionabruce #stanleyjohnson #domesticviolence #bbcqt #fionabruce #stanleyjohnson This is woke culture gone mad. All the lovely Fiona did was simply point out that soon-to-be-knighted Stanley Johnson only broke his wife's nose and hospitalised her once. I simply don't see what the fuss is about. I suppose Gary Lineker or Gary Neville or some ex-footballing Gary will be hosting Question Time next.
Now that #FionaBruce has stepped down from honorary role at #DomesticViolence charity over remarks she made re #StanleyJohnson on #BBCQT, surely it's time for her to quit the show, too?!
#fionabruce #domesticviolence #stanleyjohnson #bbcqt
#FionaBruce, after her ill-conceived and nasty interjection on last week's #QuestionTime that it was sort of OK for #StanleyJohnson to break his wife's nose, has decided to "step back from the role as ambassador for the charity Refuge, a charity that provides specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Quite right she should too!
#FionaBruce #questiontime #stanleyjohnson #endwomensviolencenow
The wife of ‘Sir Stanley’ couldn’t tolerate his abuse and nor should the rest of us - The Guardian #StanleyJohnson
#FionaBruce minimising #DomesticAbuse on #BBCQT & giving only the 'context' that #StanleyJohnson said breaking his wife's nose was a one off incident....
No mention that his wife Charlotte said he beat her many times over many years - effectively silencing a victim of domestic violence.
Why has #Refuge not sacked Bruce?
Obviously the #BBC won't - despite censoring #GaryLineker for telling the truth about the #ToryFascistDictatorship using 1930's #Germany's political tactics & rhetoric.
#FionaBruce #DomesticAbuse #bbcqt #stanleyjohnson #refuge #bbc #garylineker #ToryFascistDictatorship #Germany #GTTO
In this disturbing video from 10 years ago #StanleyJohnson
calls for UK birth numbers to be cut so companies profit more from people. He also talks of "the browns, the blacks and the yellow races", before claiming "there is a really serious differential in the fertility of the immigrant population"
When did the #BBC, still pretending to be the world's leading public service broadcaster, turn into such pusillanimous failures, mere sockpuppets for Tory Central Office?
#bbc #attenborough #lineker #stanleyjohnson #fionabruce #domesticabuse
Caroline Nokes described how Stanley Johnson smacked her “hard” on the bottom, the New Statesman journalist Ailbhe Rea said she’d also experienced unwanted touching, while his supporter Isabel Oakeshott confirmed, Johnson’s reputation as “handsy”; and of the wife your write about, Charlotte Wahl, he hit her so hard he broke her nose and put her in hospital.
Block Stanley Johnson (Father of Boris) from getting a knighthood
#StanleyJohnson #BorisJohnson #ukpolitics
#stanleyjohnson #BorisJohnson #ukpolitics
Stanley Johnson to be honoured for his services to twattery
Fergus Boylan on #BorisJohnson #StanleyJohnson #Honours - political cartoon gallery in London
#BorisJohnson #stanleyjohnson #honours
If this dies we have to ensure Stanley's knighthood wasn't just a distracting dead cat.
What else has the blond bomb-bast got up his honours list sleeve?
#BlondBomb-bast #BorisJohnson #StanleyJohnson #HonoursList #Knighthood #DeadCat
#blondbomb #BorisJohnson #stanleyjohnson #honourslist #knighthood #deadcat
Morten Morland on #BorisJohnson #StanleyJohnson #Honours - political cartoon gallery in London
#BorisJohnson #stanleyjohnson #honours
I know they're just crappy petitions, but fellow UK-ers, please sign & share - some small little act of resistance against apathy at least.
#johnson #honours #stanleyjohnson #ukpolitics
Guy Venables on #BorisJohnson #StanleyJohnson #Honours - political cartoon gallery in London
#BorisJohnson #stanleyjohnson #honours
#BorisJohnson holds a different view to many on what constitutes acceptable and appropriate standards in public life. He repeatedly calculates that #voters don’t care about his rule-breaking. But that is not necessarily true.
#StanleyJohnson #Knighthood
#BorisJohnson #voters #stanleyjohnson #knighthood