A new recipe from Margie's Kitchen!
"Chinese Pearl Balls"
A little complicated, but a hit for that Chinese New Year’s Dinner! Ingredients: 1 c glutinous rice 2 pieces dried shitake mushrooms 1 lb ground pork (For moist meatballs, use ground pork with about higher percent of fat.) ¼ c...
Read more: https://hill-kleerup.org/blog/margie/chinese-pearl-balls.html
@cypnk case in point, comparing a #Potato with actually fungible #currency is a bit unfair for both given the unique properties of each.
Money was invented as a fungible means to exchange values beyond 1:1 exchanges of items.
#Monero was invented as a digital alternative to #Cash and better alternative to #PayPal.
And yeah, #Potatos are for the most part good amd healthy sources of #Starch & #Carbohydrates, thus very useful as a means to feed people directly.
#carbohydrates #starch #potatos #PayPal #cash #monero #currency #potato
DELISH KITCHEN: もっちりつるん♪片栗粉で作る!わらび餅風 | How To Make Make it with Potato starch! Warabimo Mochi style https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1785067/delish-kitchen/
#DELISH #DELISHKITCHEN #DELISHKITCHENCHANNEL #delishkitchen #kitchen #mochi #potato #starch #style #Warabimo #デリッシュキッチン #もっちりつるん片栗粉で作るわらび餅風How #わらびもち #わらびもち作り方 #わらびもちの作り方 #わらび餅 #わらび餅作り方 #わらび餅の作り方 #わらび餅の作り方簡単 #作り方 #料理 #料理動画 #簡単 #蕨餅
#delish #delishkitchen #DELISHKITCHENCHANNEL #kitchen #mochi #potato #starch #style #warabimo #デリッシュキッチン #もっちりつるん片栗粉で作るわらび餅風how #わらびもち #わらびもち作り方 #わらびもちの作り方 #わらび餅 #わらび餅作り方 #わらび餅の作り方 #わらび餅の作り方簡単 #作り方 #料理 #料理動画 #簡単 #蕨餅
Researchers make #bioplastic sheets with #pineapple stems from #agricultural waste.
#bioplastic #pineapple #agricultural #starch
Delighted to be at Stanford, attending conference on ancient starch. #starch #archaeology
Fraser Cain
Building Bricks on the Moon from Potatoes
#FraserCain #AledRoberts #blood #concrete #interview #potato #starch
#frasercain #aledroberts #blood #concrete #interview #potato #starch
Researchers patent water-soluble #plastic material based on potato #starch.
#plastic #starch #biotechnology #polymers
Do we humans owe our large #Brains to #Starch? : Univ Sci
Why Do We Like What We Like? The #Neuroscience Behind the Objects That Please Us : Misc
New #Minerals discovered in massive #Meteorite may reveal clues to asteroid formation : Misc
Check our most popular #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #meteorite #minerals #NeuroScience #starch #brains
November 23, 1862
Alexander Pierce Anderson, an American #Botanist is born.
His work at the #NewYorkBotanicalGarden led to a fantastic discovery.
Alex suspected that microscopic amounts of water existed inside the #Nucleus of #Starch crystals in #Rice. Once he found a way to extract the #Water, he created #PuffedRice... and #Breakfast #Cereal was changed #Forever
Alexander sold over 20,000 lbs of puffed rice at the 1904 #St.Louis #WorldFair.
#botanist #newyorkbotanicalgarden #nucleus #starch #rice #water #puffedrice #breakfast #cereal #Forever #st #worldfair #iamabotanist #garden #funfact
Hi all, time for my #introduction—I'm an Australian #archaeologist curious about the evolution of tool use.
I helped establish #PrimateArchaeology, worked on various stone tool #starch and #usewear projects, and dug up evidence for the Toba supervolcano in India. I've excavated wild #macaque and #capuchin monkey sites, finding 3000 year-old monkey tools in Brazil, and explored the archaeology of wild sea otters. Former #Oxford and #Cambridge research fellow. I blog at https://twig.technology.
#cambridge #oxford #capuchin #macaque #usewear #starch #PrimateArchaeology #archaeologist #introduction
Already tired of #WilliamShatner's Show, #TheUnXplained?
Why not listen to Digging to the Other Side instead, It's completely different and relevant to #archaeology.
#williamshatner #TheUnXplained #archaeology #AsianArchaeology #starch #food #Jomon
I just passed a laboratory which has some #3DPrinters in it. There’s often something interesting to see in there but this figure of a #lion particularly caught my eye. The #mane was printed as an integral part of the whole. The technician told me that the material is a #starch-based #polymer calle #PLA or #PolylacticAcid.
#mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #3dprinters #lion #mane #starch #polymer #pla #PolylacticAcid #3dpriniting
It’s nice now and then to see things going in the right direction. I bought some panini and it was given to me in the #cardboard container shown. The apparently plastic window is in fact made of #starch and so the whole package is #biodegradable and #compostable.
#cardboard #starch #biodegradable #compostable #sustainability #notpetroleumbased