RT @MedrunnerSC: Farewell, Port Olisar! You've provided hundreds of Medrunners with equipment. o7
Receive a special Spectrum badge by visiting this historical site until its decommissioning!
#FarewellPortOlisar #StarCitizen @RobertsSpaceInd
Visit us at https://t.co/hEyGbWyEOH https://t.co/AmCM4GvTxN
#starcitizen #farewellportolisar
Schon bald wird Port Olisar nach 10 Jahren verschwinden, Grund genug der Station mit der alles begann einen letzten und würdigen Besuch abzustatten, wir sehen uns wieder mit 3.21 oder wann auch immer du zurückkehren wirst!
@emill1984 osobiście też mi się to podoba , #StarCitizen ma to do siebie za to że trzeba lecieć i lecieć i lecieć ...
There was some initial m dia and thoughts out there just before the release of #starfield that it was going to successfully pull off what #starcitizen had tried to do... in no way is that reality.. after playing starfield a bit it isn't at all the same kind of game... I honestly hate the flying in starfield compared to starcitizen.
RT @VSkirata: Found some treasure tonight in the 'Verse!
First time I've seen one :)
#StarCitizen #PicoBall https://t.co/LbWNBazkvO
RT @XGRacing: We're presenting The British Army eSports #StarCitizen Tournament at Insomnia 71 this weekend. Check out the trailer (https://t.co/hEsRjNqZR4) and tune in live (https://t.co/ebko4rWmJM)! @RobertsSpaceInd @BritArmyesports @IGFestUK #esport #racing #razor #thesnakepit #xgr https://t.co/8549wMTQJI
#xgr #thesnakepit #razor #racing #esport #starcitizen
RT @TheRubenSaurus: To all my industrial citizens, how awesome would it be if an industrial ship won the showdown?
Let's vote the Drake Vulture to the next round!
I love the look and feel of this ship!
#StarCitizen #TeamVulture #TeamDrake https://t.co/owS1D2v3Bx
#teamdrake #teamvulture #starcitizen
RT @salty_soykaf: We are all equals under Drake; Power to the People.
#StarCitizen https://t.co/mbXGKoW2ON
RT @cap_starcitizen: Time to vote again.
#StarCitizen #600i #SCShipSowDow https://t.co/lXqxd0tMv1
#scshipsowdow #600i #starcitizen
@pograneeu #NoManSky bardzo fajny i nawet na swój sposób podobny. Obie gry cieszą oko. Mamy jeszcze #RobertSpaceIndustries i jego #StarCitizen (multiplayer). Wszystkie godne zagrania :)
#starcitizen #robertspaceindustries #nomansky
I'm watching hardware benchmarks for #Starfield and I legitimately get better frame rate in #StarCitizen at 4k.
This is assuming turning off FSR, which the game apparently automatically enables at all quality presets. I'm not surprised, considering the 30-some FPS that I'm seeing. Even 1080p struggles to run.
Jeebus what a mess.
In the unlikely chance that anyone here is curious about #StarCitizen it is currently free to play until Sept. 7th.
Definitely try before you buy. I don't necessarily recommend buying it, yet if you do, this is my referral link:
But it's entirely optional, don't worry about using it if you don't want to. Here's more info about referrals if you're interested:
IMO there's little reason to ever spend more than $45.
RT @Mr_Hasgaha: @RobertsSpaceInd #StarCitizen #ScreenshotSaturday Lorville Appreciation https://t.co/wsDJzhVKY7
#screenshotsaturday #starcitizen
RT @VictorHermez: I absolutely love the updated Loreville.
Alpha 3.19
#StarCitizen #screenshotsaturday | #ReShade https://t.co/0gG3b7iwe6
#reshade #screenshotsaturday #starcitizen
I tried playing #StarCitizen several times, but always the performance is just a killer: Last attempt with a RTX 3070, M2 SSD, 32GB RAM, was a slideshow... any hints whether this is a setting issue or just normal because it is a decade in early access?
Hey #starcitizen vote VULTURE on the ship showdown, or I'll tear your insides out!
Attention, #StarCitizen of Mastodon! I'm going to need your help with something.
I'm asking you to log onto the Ship Showdown, right here... and VOTE TERRAPIN! We are so close! We can do this! Here's the link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ship-showdown2023/live-showdown
Star Citizen celebra su Ship Showdown, el evento anual donde los fans eligen su nave favorita. Vota cada día y prueba gratis las ocho naves finalistas hasta el 7 de septiembre. La ganadora se podrá volar gratis hasta el 30 de septiembre. #StarCitizen #ShipShowdown
RT @CShockbreaker: For Redeemer
#StarCitizen #shipshowdown #SCShipShowdown https://t.co/nJ7Up1T9Cn
#scshipshowdown #shipshowdown #starcitizen
1. ユーザー登録(招待コード付き)
2. ユーザー登録完了後、以下のサイトからFly for Freeを押す
3. ダウンロード!
Constellation Andromeda
600i Explorer