🚀Played my first #Starfinder game #kantcon today!🪐
#ttrpg #starfindersociety #kantcon #starfinder
New Post: https://twitter.com/AtlantaPFS/status/1677030624173981699 RT @paizo: Adventurers, grab your packs and join the @AtlantaPFS for #PathfinderSociety and #StarfinderSociety gaming from July 28 - 30, 2023 at Southern-Fried Gaming Expo! Held at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel and Convention Center. https://t.co/5EFRTjFAfm #PaizoOrgPlay https://t.co/GYA6cAAbWX
#pathfindersociety #starfindersociety #paizoorgplay
Just finished my first #PathfinderSociety #PF2 play-by-post session, and my first ever #PFS story arc! And I'm well on my way to completing two #StarfinderSociety sessions with my first two #Starfinder characters.
#pathfindersociety #pf2 #pfs #starfindersociety #starfinder
Gonna put together a new #StarfinderSociety character for PaizoCon, what species should they be?