Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 43 – The Standoff
Esana's shot. Paladin's got a grenade. Earl has a plan.
Also: how Oracles?
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
@doyce cool. I have #Starforged and it’s on my list of games to play. Seems like a lot of fun, though the number of moves is kind of overwhelming for a #PbtA game.
Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 42 – Deeper into the Station (and a pile of tangents)
More station, and some thinking about Ironsworn.
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
Tuesday Night #Starforged came to an end after only a few minutes, as the science station, the crew's ship, and everyone involved in both were blown into their constituent atoms in a matter of microseconds.
And then we resumed back at the beginning, because you know we were going to get to a time loop episode eventually.
I wrote some custom scene challenge rules for just such an occasion on a whim a few months ago, so pleased to get to use them.
@BardicInquiry And a third option which almost feels de rigueur at this point, if you really like the BITD-style mechanics of #Lancer but want to go with a more fiction-forward, narrative, focused RPG architecture, you can do giant robot storytelling in #Ironsworn: #Starforged, plus the book is beautiful and the mechanics are awesome.
Just throwing more options out there for you.
#lancer #ironsworn #starforged
@craigmaloney Since I had the #Starforged sheet conveniently at hand, I figured I would just plop it here for you.
I think my favorite part of this design is the fact that Momentum, Health, Spirit, and Supply are designed such that you can just attach paperclips to the side of the sheet and slide them up and down is necessary. It's not the first time I've seen that mechanic but it's presented here so well and so clearly that it deserves being called out.
#ironsworn / #starforged of course. #ForbiddenLands has solo rules in it's book of beast, but while they're not bad, I'd prefer rules specifically designed for solo.
#ironsworn #starforged #forbiddenlands
Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 41 – Zombies!
I mean... it's me. At some point zombies had to show up.
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
@jollysea Pretty much all the new wave of solo/co-op RPGs are excellent for one-on-one play (#Ironsworn : #Starforged being an excellent example). That's sort of inherent to the underlying mechanisms, of course.
#BeastHunters ( is one which specifically is designed for that mode of play, which is quite cool. Definitely pick up the 1.5 patch as well as it improves things even further.
#ironsworn #starforged #beasthunters
Tuesday night #Starforged set the crew to solve the mystery of Felicity Station before it can destroy them. Nothing like a good old fashioned level 4 ontological threat to get the blood pumping!
@ericmpaq You can play #Ironsworn (and #Starforged ) without engaging in a single violent action if that's what you want to do. You can set up vows and situations which are purely environmental or external threats which can be averted without violence.
You want to vow "I will survey the major regions of this planet and report back to Trantor?" Do it. And then don't introduce conflicts that involve violence.
This is the advantage of games designed for solo, fiction-first play.
@auguryignored What are the simulationist elements that you like? Because those are – a strange part of BW.
I understand what you mean about the intricate clockwork, however. I get that feeling out of #Ironsworn: #Starforged, with character vows, explorations, and a number of other things all effectively being count up or countdown timers all running at the same time, some of which can be popped early by choosing risk.
@auguryignored So they work for the Imperium between 234 and 322?
That would let you ease them in by making them part of the push to reconnect the Imperial Road to the Imperium itself, which is just chock full of good adventure goodness – and then you can plunge right into the Civil War for extra violence.
Sounds like a good time!
I can definitely see #Starforged doing that quite well if you don't run it in #Traveller itself.
Tuesday Night #Starforged! The crew hangs out with ZK's spacer cousins while the ship gets packed up, and then get back on their way to the Lacuna Chain. But a troublesome distress call from a nearby science station may pull them off course...forever?
@DM_Zeppelin The fiction-forward centerstage nature of #Ironsworn #Starforged Especially and particularly in solo play.
It pushes you and forces you to be the responsible party for giving your character opposition – but it rewards you for pushing hard by allowing you to succeed hard. The Oracles, in a sense, allow you to treat yourself poorly.
Without feeling bad about it.
When narrative emerges post hoc from conflict, you're in a good place.
#RPGaDay2023 Q7 (cont.)
Secondly #Ironsworn manages to build on things like #PBtA and #MythicGME to create a really solid #SoloRPG with mechanics to help inspire and drive the game forward. Well worth checking out, along with its sci-fi cousin, #Starforged
Links for both games:
#rpgaday2023 #ironsworn #pbta #mythicgme #soloRPG #starforged
Midnight #TTRPG inspiration:
Filk from the album Carmen Miranda's Ghost.
You might be too young for understanding filk or it might be too intense for some, but if you can listen to Dawson's Christian and not want to play #Traveller or #Starforged , I'm not sure I want to know you.
If we are going to be specific about what is the #TTRPG game I bought most recently with the full intention of running and playing, it has to be #ironsworn : #Starforged
I'm really excited about this game for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that despite part of its lineage I really like the mechanics. Fiction-forward, solo/co-op, lots of juice.
Very excited.
It's Tuesday night and that means #Starforged - an inauspicious beginning to an Expedition leaves the ship battered but unbowed, and the pressure takes its toll. As the crew encounters a friendly city-ship, is this the respite they seek?
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing