Stargirl: The Lost Children #5 preview. The battle for the fate of the Lost Children has begun as Stargirl leads a raid on the Childminder's castle! #comics #comicbooks #stargirl
I look at catalog now, not what is going on --- plus price.
I got a good deal on the annual Paramount+ so I'm happy to keep that for Trek and my kids check the Nick stuff.
Same goes for Disney+ but I also am not paying full ticket for the annual subscription.
HBOMax... I have no idea why I still have it other than #Stargirl and some HBO documentaries.
I've tried canceling Netflix a few times but just as I do some show comes on my kids will die without seeing.
Some of the stuff I am reading. #worldsfinest #dccomics #batman #superman #blackhammer #supergirl #stargirl #Robin #doompatrol #jsa #hourman
#worldsfinest #dccomics #batman #SuperMan #blackhammer #supergirl #stargirl #robin #doompatrol #jsa #hourman
Heute neu: Staffel 3 von Stargirl bei Sky One #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #Stargirl
#stargirl #PlayByDay #HeuteNeu
"Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 is a great issue that ignites the adventure these Lost Children are on..."
@geoffjohns @ToddNauck #comics #NCBD @thedcnation #Stargirl
Read @StuffIShudSay's review:
Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 preview. Have no fear, Hypertime's greatest protector is here to lend a hand: Corky Baxter, Time Master! #comics #comicbooks #stargirl
(190/1500) #Stargirl The Lost Children #4
#dccomics #comics #comicbooks
#comicsreadingchallenge2023 #p2pcomicschallenge2023 #comicbooks #Comics #dccomics #stargirl
Been loving this #stargirl and the lost children min run! The story and art have been great! And there are a ton of awesome moments like this one! #dccomics #comics #comicbooks
#comicbooks #Comics #dccomics #stargirl
RT @russburlingame
It's with a very heavy heart that I'm passing along the news that comics artist Lee Moder has passed away. Lee worked on books like #WonderWoman, #LegionOfSuperHeroes, and #Shinku, and is best known for co-creating Dreamer and #Stargirl.
#wonderwoman #legionofsuperheroes #shinku #stargirl
"Geoff Johns and @ToddNauck reveal just enough to keep you wondering but also add more to the mystery, making this story a hidden gem of a DC comic."
#comics #NCBD @thedcnation #Stargirl
Read @StuffIShudSay's Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 review:
Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 preview. Stargirl comes face-to-face with the eighth soldier of victory, Wing, and a whole host of sidekicks from the past! #comics #comicbooks #stargirl
I will put season 2 of #Stargirl up against any super hero series, hell, most drama series. It’s a unique mix of ridiculously wholesome super hero teen drama and spooky horror, drawing on DC’s best pulpiest past. Can only imagine what that team would do with Books of Magic.
#GreenArrow giving #Batman a run for his money with this set up! #dccomics #stargirl
#stargirl #dccomics #Batman #GreenArrow
Enjoying first episode of the 3rd season of #Stargirl
It hits the #comicbook goofiness level I enjoy. So does #DoomPatrol in a different way.
#doompatrol #comicbook #stargirl
My Top Ten TV Shows of 2022 (in alphabetical order):
• Atlanta
• Barry
• The Boys
• Cobra Kai
• Euphoria
• Evil
• Ozark
• Peacemaker
• Severance
• Stargirl
#topten #top10 #shows #tvshows #televisionshows #television #tv #atlanta #barry #theboys #cobrakai #euphoria #evil #ozark #peacemaker #severance #stargirl
#topten #top10 #shows #tvshows #televisionshows #television #tv #atlanta #barry #theboys #cobrakai #euphoria #evil #ozark #peacemaker #severance #stargirl
Stargirl: Deutschlandpremiere der 3. und letzten Staffel im Februar bei Sky 1 #Stargirl @SkyDeutschland