Getting back on the hobby wagon, kitbashing some guys for The Doomed. Here we have a lowly Squire & Seeker for my Martyr Retinue.
#thedoomed #ospreygames #miniatures #frostgrave #stargrave #kitbash #wargaming #northstarmilitaryfigures
#thedoomed #ospreygames #miniatures #frostgrave #stargrave #kitbash #wargaming #northstarmilitaryfigures
Making some sci-fi terrain out of some parts I have lying around. These might make decent shield towers/generators for #StarWarsLegion and #Stargrave. Maybe they need a few additional bits and bobs. Not yet sure how I'll go about painting them.
A few pics of yesterday evening's game of Stargrave with Mike -great fun!
The 'Salvage Crew' scenario with a few adaptations - a desert rather than a swamp, a wrecked walker rather than a ship, and pirates rather than Ryakans as randomly spawning enemies 🙂
At Bristol Independent Gaming using their Acid House Terrain set
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #ttrpg #stargrave #badsquiddogames #acidhouseterrain #bristolindependentgaming #pandaemonium_miniatures
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #ttrpg #stargrave #badsquiddogames #acidhouseterrain #bristolindependentgaming #pandaemonium_miniatures
Gestern dann noch das ganze Gelände der Starter-Box von #CoreSpace zusammengebaut. Wie von Battle Systems gewohnt, war das alles Papp-Gelände, da musste also nur etwas Kleber ran.
Für #StarGrave habe ich noch ein paar Raumschiffe in der Pipeline - die brauchen auf jeden Fall noch Weathering. Sind vom Film "Lightyear", der wohl gefloppt ist. War günstig. Viel günstiger, als 3D-Drucken.
Aktuell wird viel durch die Hitze gebremst - da geht am Abend nicht mehr viel. 😵
#corespace #stargrave #tabletop #wargaming
@craigofinspiration my favorite #mini is usually the next one I'm going to paint. Of the one I just finished. Rarely the one I'm actively working on...
Currently still really pleased with how this mining robot came out for #stargrave
Wird langsam. 😊 Bald dann auch das Sci-Fi-Terrain für #Stargrave/#CoreSpace.
#stargrave #tabletop #wargaming #frostgrave
A great weekend of gaming:
#Stargrave last night: The Botched Deal scenario, and #Frostgrave today, teaching at the Bristol Independent Gaming Demo Day using the Mausoleum scenario.
Frostgrave scenery and minis my own collection, Stargrave scenery the BIG copy of the Acid House Terrain Sci-Fi set, minis mine and Scott's 🙂
#stargrave #frostgrave #wargaming #wargamers #wargames #skirmishgaming
Demnächst schlägt bei mir endlich die Grundbox von #CoreSpace auf. Zudem habe ich mir wohl vorhin noch das Grundregelwerk von #Stargrave bestellt (war reduziert) sowie einige Spielzeuge, die ich dann zu Geländestücken umbauen werde.
Glaube, da bahnt sich etwas Tolles an. 👀
(Bilder sind nicht meine, sondern offizielle - zur Veranschaulichung)
#corespace #stargrave #tabletop #wargaming #scifi
Calling this #Stargrave #conversion done! Or at least good enough. The Stynylrez metal tone primer was perfect for this.
I needed to finish up this #reapermini #cav imperator mech turned mining robot for #stargrave. Aside from the mech body, I used a yogurt pouch plastic but with a screw for the drilling arm, and made a grasping claw arm from a coffee stirrer, some plastic rod, & plastic tube from a shampoo pump. Additional green garden wire and random plasticard scrap make for a very ramshackle looking robot.
The 4 pics are wip shots, with the final pic showing the robot primed with a metallic primer.
Well… it’s taken a while, but I’ve finally got the next sci-fi (terrain) episode done!
There's also a follow-up article over on the blog where I take a look at some of the #waronterra mini's:
#ttrpg #traveller #starfinder #stargrave #40k #shadowrun #alienrpg #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
#waronterra #ttrpg #traveller #starfinder #stargrave #40k #shadowrun #AlienRPG #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
I had hoped to get my next terrain episode out today - but it looks like I'll not get it finished until tomorrow.
Oh well, at least it's coming along nicely :)
#ttrpg #stargrave #starfinder #waronterragame #40k #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
#ttrpg #stargrave #starfinder #waronterragame #40k #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
OK then... I think this is going to be the layout for the next pdf (the bunks & lockers).
However, it's looking rather doubtful that I'll get the video tutorial done by the end of the month - so I might end up getting two #scifi videos out in May instead (silver-lining and all that 😉 ).
#scifiterrain #ttrpg #starfinder #stargrave #shadowrun #traveller #40k
#scifi #scifiterrain #ttrpg #starfinder #stargrave #shadowrun #traveller #40k
OK - so there's still a few kinks to iron out... but I think the bunks are pretty much done 🙂
#scifiterrain #starfinder #stargrave #traveller #shadowrun #ttrpg
#scifiterrain #starfinder #stargrave #traveller #shadowrun #ttrpg
I've made some progress on the lockers - and the current idea is to have two assembly methods…
The first will be a rather simple assembly (somewhat similar to the existing crates) - where you just build them in banks/rows of 3 or 6.
Whereas the second will be a bit more involved - but will give the kind of result pictured here (which can be a bit more varied).
Sound like a plan?
#starfinder #stargrave #traveller #shadowrun #alienrpg #ttrpg #terrain #killteam #necromunda
#starfinder #stargrave #traveller #shadowrun #AlienRPG #ttrpg #terrain #killteam #necromunda
There's still a bit of work to do on these yet - but I've finally made a start on some of the textures for the new sci-fi terrain (a couple of lockers in this instance)...
#starfinder #stargrave #40k #alienrpg #shadowrun #rpgterrain
#starfinder #stargrave #40k #AlienRPG #shadowrun #rpgterrain
I had the opportunity to play Space Station Zero for the first time yesterday. It was a two crew co-op game. We had great fun and I was surprised how fast it played compared to co-op #stargrave.
#wargaming #skirmish #scifi #ssz
#stargrave #wargaming #skirmish #scifi #ssz
Tomorrow, while the toddler naps...
#Stargrave #HopeEternal Scenario 2 #TheGreatMaglevRobbery
Making liberal use of Reaper Ghasts as enhanced mutants and steampunk flying monkeys as combat drones.
#TheGreatMaglevRobbery #HopeEternal #stargrave
This seems like a recipe for a good saturday, right? #grave #stargrave #frostgrave #minis #3dprinting
#grave #stargrave #frostgrave #minis #3dprinting