Got this fantastic limited edition wraparound cover of Liam Sharp’s Starhenge. Been waiting for this collected edition to read it. It’s looks absolutely gorgeous.
#GraphicNovels #ComicBooks #Starhenge #Scifi #Bookstadon
#BookStadon #scifi #starhenge #comicbooks #graphicnovels
New #DollarBinDiscovery episode! Today we both came to the table with books from across Image Comics' history! Mike is talking about one of the company's earliest comics (Shadowhawk II #2), while Jessika has one of its most recent (Starhenge) by Liam Sharp!
Episode link
#PodcastAndChill #1990s #2020s #ImageComics #IndyComics #Shadowhawk #Starhenge #DollarBin #DollarComics
#dollarbindiscovery #podcastandchill #1990s #2020s #imagecomics #indycomics #shadowhawk #starhenge #dollarbin #dollarcomics
@darjeeliarts #Starhenge is a delight. I’m really enjoying it. #Gargoyles is also lined up in my pile - I’ve kind of been holding it to revisit the original cartoon first!
Couple weeks worth of #NCBD #comics pickups! Unfortunately I can't get to my store on a weekly basis so I end up with big (beautiful) batches like this.
Not sure how many of these are active tags after the first couple but: #Transfomers #Wakanda #Gargoyles #Flawed #OldDog #Starhenge #Mandolorian #Kroma #EarthDivers #Hitomi #Briar #HellToPay #NewMasters #SeaSerpentsHeir
Can't wait to read through everything 🤩
#ncbd #comics #transfomers #wakanda #gargoyles #flawed #olddog #starhenge #Mandolorian #kroma #earthdivers #hitomi #briar #helltopay #newmasters #seaserpentsheir
“The Dragon and the… Dewi Get Down!” #StarHenge #Comics. I’ve enthused about these on the birdsite but they really are good. Weird scifi mixed with a flavour of Arthurian stuff that doesn’t forget all trace of Cymru and Kernow.
“The Dragon and the… Dewi Get Down!” #StarHenge #Comics. I’ve enthused about these on the birdsite but they really are good. Weird scifi mixed with a flavour of Arthurian stuff that doesn’t forget all trace of Cymru and Kernow.
@sheepnik #DarllenDyddLlun Yn Gymraeg “Oes yr Eira” gan Elidir Jones a Huw Aaron.
In English this week’s #comics including some cape stuff, the fantastic “#Starhenge” by Liam Sharp, and this month’s #PlanetMagazine.
Yn ddwyiethog/ Bilingually the latest #Gwyllion mag - Welsh theme SF & Fantasy
Some of those things need their own hashtags and greater visibilty.
#gwyllion #planetmagazine #starhenge #comics #darllendyddllun
What is everyone's favorite comics so far this year? I really enjoyed Liam Sharp's #StarHenge and the current run on #Nightwing
Really hard to express how much I'm loving Starhenge. Worth it for the stunning art alone, incredibly inventive, but the story is fantastic, twisting & turning, mixing history & myth. Any other #comic recommendations?
#merlin #starhenge #graphicnovels #comic