Hello friends,
this week's edition of The Supertone Show is particularly special for me as it features artists from my home town of Ross On Wye and the local area.
This week's show features music from #RobertPlant, #Pretenders, #MottTheHoople, #StarliteCampell Campbell, #ManicStreetPreachers, #FredAstaire and a surprise track!!
Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
#robertplant #pretenders #mottthehoople #starlitecampell #manicstreetpreachers #fredastaire #radio #music #podcast #chat
The new edition of the Supertone Show podcast is now available!
The next few shows feature music from the cities where they are playing during their September/October 2023 UK Tour.
This week it's the turn of Manchester and you will hear Magazine, The Smiths, The Ting Tings, Black Grape, Ryuichi Sakamoto & David Sylvian and the Fall.
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampell #music #chat #mastoart #mastodonart #fediart