MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
805 followers · 21996 posts · Server
Torbjorn · @Torbjorn
46 followers · 166 posts · Server

To sum up how abjectly stupid manyUK voters are; there are still millions, in one of the world’s richest nations, who believe that “there is no money” to pay for public services. Unfortunately one of those idiots is Sir

#starmer #costofGREEDcrisis #Costoflivingcrisis #labourparty

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
46 followers · 624 posts · Server

“‘’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall: Campaign group warning of the dangers of government and to inform the public about ’s authoritarianism and ‘murky’ past holds launch event featuring leading left speakers”

via @skwawkbox

“There is, of course, no functional difference – at least for the better – between ‘long-time servant of the security state’ and compulsive promise-breaker Starmer’s red-Toryism and the blue version.”

#stopsmarter #redtory #starmer #starmerlies #StarmerOut #labourracism #labourbigotry #labourmisogyny #labourislamophobia #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourcorruption #LabourFiles

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
46 followers · 624 posts · Server


Reality is: under the @conservatives has become an irrelevance within the context of global superpower power-playing!

It will take the UK a very long time to extricate itself from the wreckage of 14 years of Tory misrule - & I have * zero* confidence that a @UKLabour government under ‘Sir’ Keir () is up to the job of ‘building back better’!

To the contrary, I fear they will just manage our decline slightly more effectively but just as corruptly!

#brexit #britain #kidstarver #starmer #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak #johnson #May #Truss #cameron #austerity

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
43 followers · 606 posts · Server
KB · @decembr14
46 followers · 2004 posts · Server

Cowboy builders? They're not even that good.

Starmer: “The truth is, this crisis is the inevitable result of 13 years of cutting corners, botch jobs, sticking-plaster politics. It’s the sort of thing you expect from cowboy builders, saying that everyone else is wrong, everyone else is to blame, protesting they’ve done an effing good job, even as the ceiling falls in.”

#raac #Sunak #starmer #pmqs

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 595 posts · Server


Quoting Dan Hind in @openDemocracy

“But a 2024 @UKLabour govt committed to the - status quo, which refuses to meet the ’s accumulating crises with a programme equal to it, will only aid a nativist and authoritarian that offers its own, hallucinatory solutions.

Our likely trajectory, absent fundamental reform, is one that discredits the centre-left in government and empowers the extreme right in opposition.

In these circumstances, our best option at the next general election must be a mobilisation that puts as many ecosocialists and sincere left Keynesians into Parliament as possible. Our priority should be to maximise the number of MPs willing to argue for replacing Thatcherism with a new green and democratic settlement.

Once we grasp that, the question then becomes technical: how?”


“If we can create the means for voters to communicate among ourselves in pursuit of our shared interests, if we then act with some fraction of the right’s energy and daring, with some fraction of their budget, we can begin to create a new economic and political settlement before the old impoverishes and demoralises even more of us. If we wait meekly for a landslide, we will get nothing, and deserve less”

#blair #thatcher #uk #right #starmer #labourlies #stopstarmer #redtory #ecosocialism #election2024

Last updated 1 year ago

Oh fucking hell. Starmer has only gone and appointed a homophobe, Shabana Mahmood, as shadow justice secretary.

This is on top of half his cabinet being transphobes and protecting Rosie Duffield who is a transphobe and holocaust revisionist who does stupid things like provide endorsement to transphobic reports by far right Tufton Street lobbyists.

Just when you think can't get any worse...

#Trans #LGBT #starmer

Last updated 1 year ago

I get the impression Starmer thinks Blair won so if I copy Blair I'll win

#starmer #blair

Last updated 1 year ago

I get the impression Starmer thinks Blair won so if I copy Blair I'all win

#starmer #blair

Last updated 1 year ago

danielholt · @danielholt
264 followers · 2685 posts · Server

Not sure why had moved from Levelling Up. That's her bread and butter.

#starmer #nandy #uklabourparty #ukpolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Lisa Nandy is a hard working intelligent MP who actually delivers on her promises. Starmer has chosen to demote her for Angela Rayner, a person who spends her days blocking anybody she disagrees with online. Are Labour actively trying to lose the next election?

#fbpe #toriesout #tories #gtto #leadership #british #thelabourparty #left #Vote #Monday #britain #politicians #parliament #Politics #ukpolitics #UK #reshuffle #starmer #labour

Last updated 1 year ago

Burning Man (indoors if wet) · @pikesley
448 followers · 4945 posts · Server
GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 578 posts · Server

“Even Laura is concerned that has gone full-on

by John Shafthauer in @thecanaryuk

“Given the amount of time left between now and the next election, Labour doesn’t just have unbelievable odds of winning; it also has time to set out a progressive policy platform, and to use the absolute state of Tory Britain to sell it.

’s not doing that because he doesn’t want to. And the are worried for the same reason we all should be – namely that the right-wing gravy train is going to be stopping exclusively at Labour’s station for the next few years.”

#Kuenssberg #labour #tory #starmer #tories #stopstarmer #labourlies #labourracism #labourautocracy #labourcorruption

Last updated 1 year ago

Apparently "whatever it takes" is a synonym for "No extra money" in crazy world of neoliberal economics.

The tragedy - Labour agree with Sunak/Hunt.

Governments with a sovereign currency & central bank CREATE new money by spending it & promote growth by so doing. REAL growth, not meaningless GDP growth. They can use targeted taxation to restrict inflation & reign in accelerating inequality. /#Sunak & /#Hunt KNOW this, but they'd rather we DIDN'T.

#reeves #starmer #mmt

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
41 followers · 524 posts · Server

“ left-winger smeared and hounded out of [@UKLabour], who hammered party in local election, will stand [as the candidate in 2024] for the ” in

via @skwawkbox

“Jo , the Jewish left-winger repeatedly smeared, suspended and ultimately hounded out of Labour by the Starmer regime, will stand for the Greens in the Birkenhead parliamentary election.

The news will deeply worry the Labour right, who engineered the replacement of the popular left-wing Birkenhead MP as candidate in the next election by the hard-right Alison McGovern, who currently sits in Wirral south.

Bird, a popular local councillor, trounced Labour in May’s local elections despite a dirty and intensive Labour campaign.”

#jewish #labour #starmer #greens #Birkenhead #bird

Last updated 1 year ago