#DeniseSalcedo Podcast - My Top 10 Favorite #WWE Matches of 2022: https://youtu.be/vJfWwgGY36U
#TheSessions Podcast with #ReneePaquette - Best of The Sessions (#FTR): https://player.fm/series/the-sessions-with-renee-paquette/best-of-the-sessions-ftr
The #FTRwithDax Podcast #1 with #DaxHarwood and #MattKoon - PUNK
(fka The #GentlemanVillain Podcast): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9kY2FzdG9uZS5jb20vcG9kY2FzdD9jYXRlZ29yeUlEMj0yMjgx/episode/ZmQzODg0NjAtODcyOC0xMWVkLTkzZDYtZDM0MTY1YzkzNDIz?sa=X&ved=0CA0QkfYCahcKEwigssXsv5_8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
#GrillingJR Podcast with #JimRoss and #ConradThompson (#Starrcade 1992): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vZ3JpbGxpbmctanI/episode/NWVlZTY2NDAtN2UyMi0xMWVjLTgyNmEtZDM1NjliNDU2Mzg0?sa=X&ved=0CAwQkfYCahcKEwiYyoz4v5_8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
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#starrcade #conradthompson #jimross #grillingjr #gentlemanvillain #mattkoon #daxharwood #ftrwithdax #FTR #reneepaquette #thesessions #wwe #denisesalcedo
Here's my review of WCW Starrcade '99.
#WCW #WWE #Starrcade #BretHart #Goldberg #Sting #SychoSid #KevinNash #Wrestling #Blog
#wcw #wwe #starrcade #brethart #goldberg #sting #sychosid #kevinnash #wrestling #blog
I'm randomly watching Starrcade '86 and basically every match ends with the ref getting knocked out.
#nwa #prowrestling #wcw #jimcrockettpromotions #starrcade
Coming next Sunday to https://classicwrestlingreview.com/
A legendary career comes to a sad end with a kick to the head. We get a powerbomb match with no powerbombs. DDP fights David Flair with a crowbar on a pole. Sting seeks revenge on Luger. And Dustin Rhodes fights Jarrett in a Bunkhouse Brawl.
It's Starrcade '99. Look for my review.
#WCW #WWE #Starrcade #Goldberg #BretHart #Sting #LexLuger #DDP #Wrestling #Blog
#wcw #wwe #starrcade #goldberg #brethart #sting #lexluger #ddp #wrestling #blog