Starting the year, priming some pieces.
One of my year resolutions for 2023, finish the #RazorCrest model full custom, with lighting FX and some tech sorprises.
#razorcrest #starwarsmodel #starwars #starshipmodel #themandalorian
To end the year, I get a new #starship The U.S.S #Enterprise1701 Refit from AMT 1:537.
It will be my first #StarTrek starship un this size. Work... Lights, to much paint job and many many details...
Project 1701 for 2023
#starship #enterprise1701 #startrek #StarTrekModels #starfleet #starshipmodel #startrektos
🇪🇦-🇬🇧 TIP/Consejo!
Cuando colocas tu fibra óptica, si la fijas con resina UV lo harás rápido, limpio y sin estropear o dañar el plástico de tu modelo, además si la usas transparente, ni se nota.
When you place your optical fiber, if you fix it with UV resin you will do it quickly, cleanly and without spoiling or damaging the plastic of your model, also if you use it transparent, it won't even be noticeable.
#spacehipsmodel #starshipmodel #customsmodels
I actually got to do some scratch modeling today. I can't remember when I last did that on a Saturday.