I need to watch one more #anime for my #AnimePlanet challenge to get to level 2 before the month ends.
Likely candidates:
#TwoCar, a series about sidecar racing.
#Gosick, a mystery series
#StarshipOperators, a series where space military cadets are forced by circumstance to command their own ship in a reality show
Other possibilities:
#HarukanaReceive, a series about beach volleyball
#ClassroomCrisis, some space sci-fi thing
#CromartieHighSchool, a comedy about delinquents, in shorter episodes
#anime #AnimePlanet #twocar #gosick #starshipoperators #harukanareceive #classroomcrisis #cromartiehighschool
My favourite #anime series:
Death Note #deathnote
Bleach #bleach
Full Metal Alchemist #fullmetalalchemist
Gunslinger Girl #gunslingergirl
The Slayers #theslayers
Attack On Titan #attackontitan
Elfen Lied #elfenlied
Paranoia Agent #paranoiaagent
BECK Mongolian Chop Squad #beck
Chihiyafuru - #chihiyafuru
Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex #ghostintheshell Starship Operators #starshipoperators
My Love Story #mylovestory
Black Lagoon #blacklagoon
#anime #deathnote #bleach #fullmetalalchemist #gunslingergirl #theslayers #attackontitan #elfenlied #paranoiaagent #beck #chihiyafuru #ghostintheshell #starshipoperators #mylovestory #blacklagoon