SOIの舞台裏, 結弦くんお疲れ様でした ! #yuzuruhanyu #羽生結弦 #hanyuyuzuru #soi2023 #starsonice
#Celebrities #Celebrity #hanyuyuzuru #SOI2023 #SOIの舞台裏 #starsonice #Vlog #Yuzuruhanyu #結弦くんお疲れ様でした #羽生結弦
#yuzuruhanyu #羽生結弦 #hanyuyuzuru #soi2023 #starsonice #celebrities #celebrity #soiの舞台裏 #vlog #結弦くんお疲れ様でした
Took 13 to #StarsOnIce last night. What an in impressive performance. I'm not a skater but my son is and his face just lit up, he was cheering, claping hooting and smiling the whole night. I loved hearing him tell me what all the leaps and elements were called and explaining which ones he could do, which he was learning and which he'd learn in the future. #figureskating
Kurt Browning • Me and My Shadow (2013) #iceskating #figureskating #portrait #starsonice #sanjose #sports #Nikon #photography
#iceskating #figureskating #portrait #starsonice #sanjose #Sports #nikon #photography
Kurt Browning • Me and My Shadow (2013) #iceskating #figureskating #portrait #starsonice #sanjose #sports #Nikon #photography
#iceskating #figureskating #portrait #starsonice #sanjose #Sports #nikon #photography
Sinead Kerr (2013) #iceskating #starsonice #sanjose #sports #Nikon #photography
#iceskating #starsonice #sanjose #Sports #nikon #photography
Sinead Kerr (2013) #iceskating #starsonice #sanjose #sports #Nikon #photography
#iceskating #starsonice #sanjose #Sports #nikon #photography