@Tim_Eagon @chgowiz @Yora all three (, , ) have free versions and he’s looking into an open license for comfort. His own position is that RPGs are by nature open content so there’s no need for an , , , but he understands the reassurance a license gives after all of this OGL hullabaloo.

#ogl #cc #orc #elf #swn #wwn #cwn #starswithoutnumberrevised #WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber

Last updated 1 year ago

@ChaskaTheMagicDog I’m using and just backed . is a version of old-school basic with some old-school and Psionics bolted on and and a barely outlined universe that has a really interesting psionic/ftl tie-in.

#starswithoutnumberrevised #Space1889After #swn #traveller

Last updated 2 years ago