#Start9 sent me their Server Pure for a review. They appear to be based on the @purism Librem Mini computers. Intel ME is disabled out of the box. I will have to tinker with this on #twitch tomorrow live but their StartOS seems to be great for those starting to do a #homelab and they are all about data sovereignty and you owning your data. It has options to setup #Mastodon and #Matrix out the box as well as #bitcoin and #monero nodes with #tor as well.
#start9 #twitch #homelab #mastodon #matrix #bitcoin #monero #tor #Privacy #InfoSec #cybersecurity #review
BTW @adam, do you know if there’s any real downside to allowing a box running #Start9’s #StartOS to be accessed via the regular internet instead of tor? I was considering making select services on one available directly via a reverse proxy that utilizes Let’s Encrypt certificates just as I would if the service was on a different kind of host.