(19 Aug) - GOP Lawmaker to Trump: ’If You’re Innocent, Start Acting Like It’ https://themessenger.com/politics/gop-rep-ken-buck-to-trump-if-youre-innocent-start-acting-like-it #GOPLawmaker #TrumpInnocent #StartActing #KenBuck #PoliticalNews #TrumpAdministration #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110917134931657204
#news #politics #trumpadministration #politicalnews #kenbuck #startacting #trumpinnocent #goplawmaker
@anne_baillot opens up the question on how we can #actnow #startacting in our dailywork and our institution to fight 🥊 💪 🔥 #ClimateCrisis while working in #DigitalHumanities #GreeningDH
#actnow #startacting #climatecrisis #DigitalHumanities #greeningdh
When will people stop complaining and start interacting?
It's a SOCIAL Platform - you have to SOCIALIZE.
And even if you got social anxiety, depressed or generally feel socialy awkward, it's likely that you aren't alone with this - 'cause I'm here too, so...