"That is what we experienced the last years when people wanted to join us in a Giveconomy...they think nothing is there. They think outside the capitalistic system there is nothing there. But there is...and it is beautiful!"

A fragment from the second Radio Giveconomy Podcast episode about how radical change is never in the form but always in the essence.

Watch here ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ

#stopfighting #startbuilding #podcast #radicalchange

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop fighting the symptoms, stop your partial perspective on the one crisis that hits you the most. Try to look at the system as complete and see how all the crises are connected. The system is complete rotten, the symptoms are very clear on that.

Stop fighting the symptoms, look the other way (although the system tells you not to) where there is space and time to start building something healthy and fulfilling.


#stopfighting #startbuilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop fighting the symptoms, stop your partial perspective on the one crisis that hits you the most. Try to look at the system as complete and see how all the crises are connected. The system is complete rotten, the symptoms are very on that.

Stop fighting the symptoms, look the other way (although the system tells you not to) where there is space and time to start building something healthy and fulfilling.


#stopfighting #startbuilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Fighting symptoms is not making you more healthy, it is weakening you, taking the energy that is need to really life a healthy life. Because living a healthy, fulfilled life is not what the system keeps going.

If you can see all the shit that is going as information about how sick and absurd the system is, you can think and feel what should change and why. Changing our perspective is needed.


#stopfighting #startbuilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Everything that upsets other people are hopeful signals for me. We need crisis tot change, and while there is a lot going on in the world, a lot of crises are already here and more are coming, that are hopeful signals for change.

Most people fight the symptoms, exactly the way we treat illness in the capitalistic way. We fight the symptoms instead of looking at the system in a complete holistic way... everything is connected.


#stopfighting #startbuilding

Last updated 2 years ago