Want to #StopMomsforLiberty from destroying public education?
Want to get involved with democracy at the local level? #runforsomething #AllPoliticsIsLocal #StartHere
Check out The School Board Project! https://www.schoolboardproject.com/get-involved
#starthere #AllPoliticsIsLocal #RunForSomething #stopmomsforliberty
#aeolian #harp #rabbithole #starthere
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who has build one?
๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
#aeolian #harp #RabbitHole #starthere
"(...) people who have been targets for harrassment by fascist trolls for most of their lives built in protections against unwanted attention
(...) more agency to users that pundits claim make #Mastodon "too complicated".
(...) No consideration is given to why the norms and affordances of Mastodon and the broader #fediverse exist, and whether the actor they are designed to protect against might be you. (...)โ
#newhere #starthere #essentialreading #fediverse #mastodon
Every #milennial that is capable should listen to this. It made me cry this morning.
Itโs about how the feelings of #nostalgia us Millennials are attached to are a mirror of our generationโs free-floating #anxiety due to #trauma
And how both things are actually driving us to make the world better.
~15 mins long. Amazing. Thanks #StartHere
#milennial #nostalgia #anxiety #trauma #starthere