RT @unibern
#Biologist Xiang-Yi Li Richter is one of eight #unibern researchers to receive the @snsf_ch #StartingGrant. She studies the transmission of #diseases among animals in the same #ecosystem and the loss of #biodiversity: https://sohub.io/28ds
#biodiversity #ecosystem #diseases #startinggrant #unibern #biologist
RT @UNIGEnews@twitter.com
10 chercheurs et chercheuses de l’UNIGE ont obtenu un #StartingGrant 2022 du @fns_ch@twitter.com. L’Université de Genève est l’institution ayant obtenu le plus grand nombre de ces #bourses cette année.
Félicitations aux lauréat-es!
Plus d'infos: https://www.unige.ch/lejournal/vie-unige/automne-2022/snsf-starting-grants-22
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UNIGEnews/status/1598313624145199106
RT @berlinnovation
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an René Hägerling vom BCRT @BIHregeneration! 🥳 Er erhält einen #StartingGrant von @ERC_Research für seine Forschung über Fehlbildungen von Lymph- und Blutgefäßen. Hier geht's zur Pressemitteilung 👉 https://www.bihealth.org/de/aktuell/wenn-lymph-und-blutgefaesse-unkontrolliert-wachsen-erc-starting-grant-fuer-rene-haegerling
Foto: BIH/David Ausserhofer
Congratulations to Simon Haas, Head of a BIH junior research group in the joint research focus "Single Cell Approaches for Personalized Medicine" of the BIH, @MDC_Berlin and the #Charite 🥳 He receives a #StartingGrant from the #EuropeanResearchCouncil for his #research on #leukemia & the efficacy of #immunotherapy. Click here for our press release to learn more 👉 https://bihealth.org/en/notices/wie-sich-leukaemiezellen-und-immunzellen-begegnen-erc-starting-grant-fuer-simon-haas
#charite #startinggrant #europeanresearchcouncil #research #leukemia #Immunotherapy
RT @unibern
Acht Forschende erhalten einen @snf_ch #StartingGrant für ihr Projekt an der #unibern: Johannes Sutter, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Christian Vater, Xiang-Yi Richter, Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Serena Tolino, Tim Rollenske und Annekatrin Steinhoff. 👏 https://sohub.io/b98u
#Forschung #unibern #startinggrant
RT @unibern
They have been selected for a @snsf_ch #StartingGrant for their project at #unibern: Johannes Sutter, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Christian Vater, Xiang-Yi Richter, Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Serena Tolino, Tim Rollenske and Annekatrin Steinhoff. https://sohub.io/b98u
#research #unibern #startinggrant
RT @unibern@twitter.com
They have been selected for a @snsf_ch@twitter.com #StartingGrant for their project at #unibern: Johannes Sutter, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Christian Vater, Xiang-Yi Richter, Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Serena Tolino, Tim Rollenske and Annekatrin Steinhoff. https://sohub.io/b98u
#startinggrant #unibern #research
RT @Maddalenabern
How cool to see that 8 of the selected @snsf_ch StGs have chosen @unibern for their project.
Congratulations to Johannes Sutter, Bahtiyar Ylmaz, Christian Vater, Xiang-Yi Richter, Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Serena Tolino, Tim Rollenske and Annekatrin Steinhoff.
#StartingGrant https://twitter.com/snsf_ch/status/1593235778523435016
RT @EPFL_ReO@twitter.com
👏 Congrats to Yana Shkel, Giulia Tagliabue, Robert West, Victor Gorbenko, Mats Stensrud and Florian Richter for winning an @snsf_ch@twitter.com #StartingGrant each!
@YanaShkel@twitter.com @lnet_epfl@twitter.com @cervisiarius@twitter.com @GorbenkoVictor@twitter.com @mats_julius@twitter.com
@ICepfl@twitter.com @epflSB@twitter.com @EPFLEngineering@twitter.com @EPFL_en@twitter.com https://twitter.com/snsf_ch/status/1593235778523435016