It's possible I spent a good chunk of my vacation plotting out #StarTrekAdventures plotlines for my two player groups.
I regret nothing.
My review of the #StarTrek Animated #ttrpg supplement released by Modiphus for #StarTrekAdventures.
Modiphius celebrates Star Trek: The Animated Series 50th Anniversary with a supplement – TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding
#startrek #ttrpg #startrekadventures
Star Trek Adventures: Aegis is going live!
#StarTrek #ttrpg #actualplay #AllStarTrek #StarTrekENT #StarTrekAdventures
#startrek #ttrpg #actualplay #AllStarTrek #StarTrekENT #startrekadventures
Our #StarTrekAdventures are coming back today at 1PM EST/6PM GMT
Our landing party rushes back to the ship with the last fragment of an ancient star map, but must escape the clutches of the other power hunting its secrets. Can they escape Fomalhaut? And will this map lead them to the rumored "Great Machine?"
#startrekadventures #startrek #ttrpg #actualplay #AllStarTrek #StarTrekENT
Oh nifty!
Star Trek: The Animated Series Supplemental Guide (digital only!)
"Celebrate 50 years of Star Trek: The Animated Series by using this full-color guide to add many of the amazing and creative elements of the first Star Trek animated series into your ongoing missions and campaigns."
Affiliate link, if you want to help me buy it:
But, if no Thelin, imma riot.
#startrekadventures #startrek #TheAnimatedSeries
For the 50th anniversary of #StarTrek the animated series, Modiphius has released a TAS series supplemental guide for #StarTrekAdventures . It not only contains characters but races and equipment from the show.
Hier on a déterminé que #StarTrekAdventures ne nous emballait pas du tout mais que #LowerDecks c’était banco. #jdr #ttrpg
#startrekadventures #lowerdecks #jdr #ttrpg
In 1989, my Dad named a character in a TNG episode after me.
As I'm considering a new solo-ish Trek campaign, I searched that young officer on Memory Alpha.
Turns out they were played by a woman! Which is so fucking awesome.
#tng #startrek #startrekadventures
Ok I'm really interested in starting streaming but I need help. Any info helps. Recs, suggestions, links.
Twitch, youtube, both? Somewhere else?
Not shit internet?
I just want to do GM guides, adventure guides, and to talk endlessly about ttrpgs. Maybe even do some actual play?
#pf2e #pathfinder2e #ttrpg #dnd5e #5e #pbta #motw #tor #tor2e #sta #startrekadventures
#pf2e #pathfinder2e #ttrpg #dnd5e #5e #pbta #motw #tor #TOR2e #StA #startrekadventures
Prefer to get your podcasts on YouTube? Our GenCon 2023 review episode is now up and streaming: #GenCon #MarvelMultiverse #DnD #DreamsAndMachines #TrailOfCthulhu #MCC #StarTrekAdventures #SoloRPG
#GenCon #marvelmultiverse #DnD #dreamsandmachines #trailofcthulhu #MCC #startrekadventures #soloRPG
Today I get to play #StarTrekAdventures and honestly, that's the best thing.
(23) COOLEST looking RPG product/book
I favor understatement in RPG materials. Weird fonts and cluttered layouts hamper my ability to read the book. Many things that might make a book look "cool" may turn me off it.
My current favorite is the Star Trek Adventures Gamemaster's Guide. Textured cover. Simple black text on white pages. Enough art to navigate around it. Even has a bookmark!
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs #startrekadventures
With season 1 in the books and season 2 approaching, we are holding a Broken Sword season 1 Q & A. Leave questions here or join us tonight live to chat on Trek, tabletop, and our favorite Klingon buccaneers.
Join us at 8PM EST
Our campaign uses the Star Trek Adventures 2d20 System by @modiphius
#StarTrek #startrekadventures #ttrpg #actualplay #Klingon #AllStarTrek #BatlethsNBiHnuchs
#startrek #startrekadventures #ttrpg #actualplay #klingon #AllStarTrek #batlethsnbihnuchs
#startrek #sta #startrekadventures #ttrpg :brain2:
#startrek #StA #startrekadventures #ttrpg
Also, the USS Ross itself debuted on the "Clear Skies" #StarTrekAdventures actual play video GMed by Eric Campbell here:
I had a really good time today running STA. Only my second one shot of the starter box but I had a better handle on the rules and my pacing of the scenes was a bit better.
My games still run 2 hours longer than most though because of my tendency to let players talk. 🙃 they didn't seem to mind though and we had fun.
#StA #startrek #startrekadventures #AllStarTrek
Ephryrn Ch'vhianit, an Andorian, who presents as one of the four genders that is mostly male, is staring out a viewport contemplating their past, and how they got here, as they are about to embark on assignment on California-class USS Zamora, as a lower deck intelligence officer with a knack for engineering, possibly with a timey-wimey secret.
#startrek #StarTrekAdventures #CaptainsLogSolo #soloRPG #tabletop #TTRPG #episodic #ActualPlay #JournalingRPG #microfiction
#startrek #startrekadventures #captainslogsolo #soloRPG #tabletop #episodic #actualplay #ttrpg #journalingrpg #microfiction
23. Coolest looking RPG product/book?
It's a hard choice. The massive two volume Guide to Glorantha, the Collector's Edition Klingon Core Book for #StarTrekAdventures, and the 2013 Hasbro reprint of the original D&D books that came in a wooden box are all strong contenders.
My choice still has to be the original WEG Star Wars core book, and the Fantasy Flight reprint that included the Sourcebook and a slipcase.
#rpgaday2023 #startrekadventures #starwarsd6
!For anyone looking to try out Star Trek adventures!
I'm running some free, learn to play, one shots of the system. These will be unpolished learner games for me as well.
#startrek #startrekadventures #sta
#startrek #startrekadventures #StA
Heute geht es wieder an den Rand der Neutralen Zone, wenn die Crew der USS Gudridur sich zusammenfindet, um Star Trek Adventures zu spielen. Start 1930 DE.
#pandpde #rpg #startrekadventures #2d20