Catching up here - just want to wish everyone a Happy First Contact Day. 🖖
#allstartrek #startrekbattle #startrek
Watching TNG on shuffle, and Best of Both Worlds just came on 😂 @battles @petertrek1 #StarTrek #StarTrekBattle
🚨Captain Round 4🚨
After Burnham dominated the third round with 48 votes, we now move to round four! Round four has the new newest and most relatable captain, Freeman. And from in the Delta Quadrant, Ransom of the U.S.S. Equinox. To completely different captains here!
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #Freeman #Ransom #LowerDecks #Voyager #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds:
#startrek #freeman #ransom #lowerdecks #voyager #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Chief Medical Officer Round 9🚨
This round sees someone who could have been a CMO if things were different for her, Jurati. In the other corner, we see a different version of the one who set the bar, Kelvin Timeline's McCoy.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #Picard #Jurati #McCoy #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds:
#startrek #picard #jurati #mccoy #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Captain Round 3🚨
Round 2 has been dominated by Archer, with little surprise. Round three has one of the first captains that bravely face the Jen'Hadar, Keogh. On the other side, we see the one who bravely traveled through time, about 930 years, Burnham.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine #Discovery #Keogh #Burnham #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds:
#startrek #deepspacenine #discovery #keogh #burnham #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Captain Round 3🚨
Round 2 has been dominated by Archer, with little surprise. Round three has one of the first captains that bravely face the Jen'Hadar, Keogh. On the other side, we see the one who bravely traveled through time, about 930 years, Burnham.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine #Discovery #Keogh #Burnham #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds:
#startrek #deepspacenine #discovery #keogh #burnham #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Chief Medical Officer Round 8🚨
After The Doctor has proven his strength, he comes out on top of round seven! Round eight brings us two Doctors with a lot of heart. We have Phlox from the NX-01 versus M'Benga, who is getting a very nice story so far.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #Enterprise #StrangeNewWorlds #Phlox #MBenga #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds:
#startrek #enterprise #strangenewworlds #phlox #mbenga #allstartrek #startrekbattle
A couple I follow are:
#AllStarTrek - a group of Trek fans who watch Star Trek following the "Heroes & Icons" network schedule (Sun - Fri evenings) and toot their thoughts/observations/trivia/etc. Join the group @allstartrek for updates. Run by @MirrorAyako
#StarTrekBattle - fans vote on various Trek topics to find the best episode, the best crew members, and many different categories (@battles) Run by @duke
🚨Captain Round 2🚨
Spock has moved on by only three votes and barely missed being defeated by Sulu. Round two of the Star Trek Captain Battles sees Shaw, an old grease monkey, going a true pioneer, Archer.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for other future battles!
#StarTrek #Enterprise #Picard #Shaw #Archer #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #enterprise #picard #shaw #archer #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Chief Medical Officer Round 7🚨
After Crusher dominates round six, we move to round seven of the Star Trek CMO Battles! This round has Boyce, who tried to warn Pike about Talos IV against the one, the only, The Doctor.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #Voyager #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #voyager #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Captain Round 1🚨
Now starts the Star Trek Captain Battles! Round one sees two of the oldest characters of trek. Captain Sulu versus Captain Spock!
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for other future battles!
#StarTrek #Sulu #Spock #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #sulu #spock #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Captain Round 1🚨
Now starts the Star Trek Captain Battles! Round one sees two of the oldest characters of trek. Captain Sulu versus Captain Spock!
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for other future battles!
#StarTrek #Sulu #Spock #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #sulu #spock #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Chief Medical Officer Round 6🚨
With this round of the Chief Medical Officer has the one and only Beverly Crusher, and one in who we saw great CMO potential, Selar!
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #thenextgeneration #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Round 5🚨
This round of the Chief Medical Officer battles is another old versus new trek, we have Pulaski from TNG going against Pollard from Discovery
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #Discovery #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #thenextgeneration #discovery #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Round 4🚨
This round of the Chief Medical Officer battles sees one of the oldest, Mark Piper going head to head with our man Bashir from Deep Space Nine.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles
#StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #deepspacenine #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Round 3🚨
This round of the Chief Medical Officer battles sees the very blunt, hilarious but talented T'Ana going against a shining light in trek right now Commander Culber.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles :geordi_ye:
#StarTrek #Discovery #LowerDecks #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #discovery #lowerdecks #allstartrek #startrekbattle
🚨Round 2🚨
This round of the Chief Medical Officer battles sees our winner from round 1, Zero, versus the man that had to remind us a time or two that he was a Doctor, “Bones” McCoy.
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles :geordi_ye:
#StarTrek #Prodigy #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #prodigy #allstartrek #startrekbattle
The Star Trek Battles are back! We will be having trekkers vote for the chief/bridge officer that you would want on your station or ship.
🚨Round 1🚨
For this battle, we see Zero from Prodigy, who once harmed others but now chooses to save, versus Rico’s chief, that looks very familiar, his EMH self.
Current Bracket:
#startrek #picard #prodigy #allstartrek #startrekbattle
The Star Trek crew battles start tomorrow with the best Chief Medical Officer! :vulcan_hmn_g1:
Who's your favorite? Make sure to follow along to make your vote count :trek:
Big thanks to aka @PeterTrek1 for all the help collecting our nominees!
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #DeepSpaceNine #Voyager #Enterprise #Discovery #Picard #LowerDecks #Prodigy #StrangeNewWorlds #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Current Bracket:
#startrek #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #discovery #picard #lowerdecks #prodigy #strangenewworlds #allstartrek #startrekbattle
Star Trek Crew battles start next week with trekker's favorite Chief Medical Officer! Stay tuned for more information :geordi_ye:
#StarTrek #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle #TheNextGeneration #DeepSpaceNine #Voyager #Enterprise #Discovery #Picard #LowerDecks #Prodigy #StrangeNewWorlds
#startrek #allstartrek #startrekbattle #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #discovery #picard #lowerdecks #prodigy #strangenewworlds