Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ★★★★★★★★★☆ #StarTrekDeepSpaceNine #trakt
I need to reallocate my stock portfolio!
#startrek #startrekdeepspacenine #startrekds9 #allstartrek
Watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1x14 "The Storyteller" #StarTrekDeepSpaceNine #trakt
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e18 (1998) - 10/10
Inquisition, written by #BradleyThompson and #DavidWeddle.
1️⃣ Superb! Clever! Dark!
2️⃣ Guest star #WilliamSadler is perfect. No surprise. #AlexanderSiddig does some of his best-ever work as Bashir. And it introduces the controversial concept of #Section31.
3️⃣ It's an episode that deftly switches from being one thing to another. Early scenes successfully build an incredible tension. Then, it shifts gear.
#startrekdeepspacenine #bradleythompson #davidweddle #williamsadler #AlexanderSiddig #section31
Another week-end of #StarTrek planned... ❤️
My last week-end of Trek for 2023 and the one that (hopefully) takes me to my 800th episode.
#startrek #startrektheoriginalseries #StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekdeepspacenine #startrekenterprise #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
Imagine having to tell the boss that his live-in(basically) girlfriend is a terrorist supply runner
#startrek #startrekds9 #startrekdeepspacenine
Another week-end of #StarTrek planned... ❤️
#startrek #startrektheoriginalseries #StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekdeepspacenine #startrekenterprise #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e15 (1998) - 9/10
Honor Among Thieves, teleplay by #RenéEchevarria.
1️⃣ #DS9 does #Wiseguy! With #NickTate and #ColmMeaney, two of my favourite actors, in the equivalent of the Sonny & Vinnie roles.
2️⃣ For me, it's a terrific take on the idea. No surprises, because we've seen it done on many cop shows before, but it's great to see this story done so well in Trek.
3️⃣ My 785th episode of #StarTrek, out of 893.
📺 My 690th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 1h57m of TV every day.
#startrekdeepspacenine #reneechevarria #ds9 #wiseguy #nicktate #colmmeaney #startrek #tvreview
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e14 (1998) - 10/10
One Little Ship, written by #DavidWeddle and #BradleyThompson.
1️⃣ What a delightful episode! The gimmick is that O'Brien, Bashir and Dax have been reduced in size(!) and the script has a lot of fun with it. Not just that, the writers spend time crafting two compelling villains who are at odds with one another.
2️⃣ The visuals are flawless.
3️⃣ According to #IMDb users, this is the 71st best episode.
#startrekdeepspacenine #davidweddle #bradleythompson #imdb
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e13 (1998) - 10/10
Truly astonishing.
1️⃣ This is the one where Sisko is suddenly and inexplicably a science fiction writer being crushed by racism in 1950s America.
2️⃣ It's a masterpiece. In terms of content and execution. In terms of performances and power. Unforgettable.
3️⃣ According to #IMDb users, this is the 8th best episode.
#startrekdeepspacenine #imdb #startrek #90stv #SciFiTV
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e12 (1998) - 9/10
Who Mourns for Morn?, written by #MarkGehredOConnell.
1️⃣ A delightful and funny episode.
2️⃣ We just had a top notch laugh-filled Quark episode, two weeks ago, and here is another one. Just as good. And a perfect antidote to the doom and gloom of the rest of the season. High quality though it may be.
3️⃣ Remarkable that they successfully build an episode around a character who never speaks. A character that, until now, we knew nothing about.
#startrekdeepspacenine #markgehredoconnell
Last weekend, I managed to watch nine episodes of #StarTrek. I'm aiming for the same this weekend. Starting in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
#startrek #startrekenterprise #startrekdeepspacenine #startrektheoriginalseries #startrekthenextgeneration #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
🖖 That makes 60 episodes of #StarTrek I've watched this year. (Mostly since the start of June.)
🖖 Reviewing/rating each episode, this is how the averages stand at the moment.
#StarTrekTheOriginalSeries s2
#StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries s1
#StarTrekTheNextGeneration s3
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6
#StarTrekEnterprise s2
#StarTrekPicard s3
#StarTrekLowerDecks s3
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds s2
#startrek #startrektheoriginalseries #StarTrekTheAnimatedSeries #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekdeepspacenine #startrekenterprise #startrekpicard #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
Is the episode "You Are Cordially Invited" a 'Hit' or a 'Miss'?
Catch the latest episode of the podcast now for thoughts on this and more;
#savestartrekprodigy #homst #klingons #startrekdeepspacenine #startrek
After countless rewatches it's dawned on me that it's a Bajoran station. Why doesn't it have a Bajoran name? Starfleet & the Federation are only there(at the start) to help with administration duties. It feels awfully colonialistic.
#startrek #startrekds9 #startrekdeepspacenine
Thus begins the best arc in #StarTrekDeepSpaceNine
In retrospect it would have been neat to see Sisko take Nog under his wing and give him some Wesley Crusher style preparation for the Academy
#startrekdeepspacenine #startrek #startrekds9
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e10 - 9/10
The Magnificent Ferengi, written by #IraStevenBehr & #HansBeimler.
1️⃣ "A child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together!"
2️⃣ Very funny episode. It also provides plenty of thrills, some action and several nice character moments. For Quark & Nog, mostly. Rom, meanwhile, is hilarious in all his scenes. Particularly when the prisoner is first brought aboard the ship, and Rom cheerfully begins to conduct polite introductions.
#startrekdeepspacenine #irastevenbehr #hansbeimler
How long do you think it took Sisko to convince T'Rul to let him cloak and pull up on DS9 to surprise them in The Search?
#startrek #startrekds9 #startrekdeepspacenine
Is Kang, the Klingon a 'Hit' or a 'Miss'?
Catch the latest episode of the podcast now for thoughts on this and more;
#savestartrekprodigy #homst #klingons #startrekvoyager #startrekdeepspacenine #StarTrekTheOriginalSeries #startrek
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e9 (1997) - 10/10
Statistical Probabilities, teleplay by #RenéEchevarria.
1️⃣ Smart episode gives Bashir a bunch of misfits to work with.
2️⃣ Story morphs effortlessly. First, it's about the plight of these people who are excluded from society/Starfleet. Then, it's about the savants suddenly finding a very important role in the war effort. Finally, it's about an attempt at treason.
#startrekdeepspacenine #reneechevarria