It would be ideal if there was new #StarTrek "Tuesdays and Fridays in the evenings, and Wednesday in the morning."
#startrek #startrekenterprise #startrekent #reedalert
One thing about "Cogenitor" is that it doesn't exact get gender right. It tries, but is limited by the understanding and imaginations of the producers and writers. However, at least it makes an effort and does get a specific point across. The same can be said for the #StarTrekTNG episode, "The Outcast." Some folks are unforgiving of #StarTrek's misunderstanding, and I get it. However, they did try. Not enough, but an effort.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekEnt #Cogenitor @allstartrek
#startrektng #startrek #allstartrek #startrekenterprise #startrekent #cogenitor
“…watching you, I’d thought you practiced by trial and error.”
This is such a soul-crunching burn every damned time.
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #ds9 #VOY #ent
@wchanley loved several series in different ways, I struggle to have a favourite tbh. I find myself rewatching ENT, DS9, VOY, LD. I must be the only person who prefers seasons 1 and 2 of #StarTrekENT. Became way too militaristic and dark in season 3 for my liking. Still enjoyed it tho. But somehow the ship that gives me the chills is the Voyager 😍
Que requeteboníssima arriba a ser #StarTrekENT , si us plau, quant arribava a necessitar la 2a temporada i no n'era conscient...
It’s over. I blasted through 10 episodes of the 4th and final season of Star Trek: Enterprise on the plane. What a disappointment after the exciting 3rd season! The 4th felt incoherent and got progressively worse in production value and story. The final episode itself is a weird and lazy crossover and retirement.
This is a series that could have been so much more. Maybe they over extended in s3? The characters and story deserved better. So many storylines could have been explored. #StarTrekENT
4/28: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
It’s a really great line up tonight! Another night where I like every single episode from TOS to ENT. But my favorite out of the bunch is Captive Pursuit. Tosk is so sweet and I always root for him.
TOS: Day of the Dove
TNG: Attached
DS9: Captive Pursuit
VOY: Macrocosm
ENT: Twilight
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/27: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Get the tissues ready because tonight’s TNG is a tearjerker!
TOS: Spectre of the Gun
TNG: Dark Page
DS9: Babel
VOY: The Q and the Gray
ENT: The Shipment
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/26: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
What is Dr. Pulaski doing with Spock?!
TOS: Is There In Truth No Beauty?
TNG: Phantasms
DS9: A Man Alone
VOY: Warlord
ENT: Exile
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/25: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
If you enjoy zombie movies, you’ll be sure to enjoy tonight’s Enterprise episode.
TOS: And the Children Shall Lead
TNG: Gambit, Part 2
DS9: Past Prologue
VOY: Future’s End, Part 2
ENT: Impulse
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/24: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Spock sported the beanie but Tuvok had the doo-rag. I’m still not well so I’ll miss Future’s End, which is a shame because it’s one of my favorites.
TOS: The Paradise Syndrome
TNG: Gambit, Part 1
DS9: Emissary, Part 2
VOY: Future’s End, Part 1
ENT: Rajin
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/23: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Sisko has hair and is clean shaven! We’re starting from the beginning for DS9.
TOS: The Enterprise incident
TNG: Interface
DS9: Emissary, Part 1
VOY: Sacred Ground
ENT: Extinction
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/21: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
We’re coming to the end of DS9. We’ll learn tonight if good triumphs over evil. I’m looking at you Dukat.
TOS: Spock’s Brain
TNG: Liaisons
DS9: What You Leave Behind, Part 2
VOY: Remember
ENT: Anomaly
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/20: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Neelix made a very convincing Ferengi!
TOS: Assignment: Earth
TNG: Descent, Part 2
DS9: What You Leave Behind, Part 1
VOY: False Profits
ENT: The Xindi
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/19: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
The Xindi arc is heating up over on Enterprise.
TOS: Bread and Circuses
TNG: Descent, Part 1
DS9: The Dogs of War
VOY: The Swarm
ENT: The Expanse
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/18: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
I think this episode solidified the bromance between Tom and Harry.
TOS: The Ultimate Computer
TNG: Timescape
DS9: Extreme Measures
VOY: The Chute
ENT: Bounty
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/17: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Tom is much better looking than Will.
TOS: The Omega Glory
TNG: Second Chances
DS9: Tacking Into the Wind
VOY: Flashback
ENT: First Flight
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/13: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
The only thing missing from this episode is Fabio riding in on a white stead.
TOS: Return to Tomorrow
TNG: Frame of Mind
DS9: Strange Bedfellows
VOY: Resolutions
ENT: The Breach
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/12: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Is there any episode more controversial than Tuvix? I think not. 😂
TOS: A Private Little War
TNG: The Chase
DS9: Til Death Do Us Part
VOY: Tuvix
ENT: Horizon
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent
4/11: At 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Scary clowns must be part of everyone’s nightmares at some point!
TOS: The Immunity Syndrome
TNG: Lessons
DS9: Penumbra
VOY: The Thaw
ENT: Judgment
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT
#allstartrek #startrek #startrektos #startrektng #startrekds9 #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #startrekenterprise #startrekent #tos #tng #DS9 #voy #ent