It would be ideal if there was new #StarTrek "Tuesdays and Fridays in the evenings, and Wednesday in the morning."
#startrek #startrekenterprise #startrekent #reedalert
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise
The Federation's first tricorder.
#startrekanything #hashtaggames #startrek #startrekenterprise
Colonel Grat in the #StarTrekEnterprise episode, "Detained," has a lot in common with Kashyk, the Devore inspector from #StarTrekVoyager episode, "Counterpoint." Not 100%, of course, but still, a good deal in common.
Kashyk made it to the Voyager relaunch novels. I wonder if Grat made it to the Enterprise novels. I think I only read one Enterprise novel and only one other novel where there were additional characters from Enterprise that I won't mention. #TrekBooks
#startrekenterprise #startrekvoyager #trekbooks #startrek
Despite all of Spock’s achievements there is a rather easy argument to make that T’Pol has been the most important Vulcan in Starfleet history. #StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise
All four seasons of #StarTrekEnterprise on iTunes for £20? Don't mind if I do #StarTrek
#AllStarTrek Rough episode guest starring #DavidAndrews, and we never heard from the alternate timeline descendent crew again. This is one of those episodes I really wish got addressed in expanded universe material: a 25th century Federation ship discovers a strange colony of humans on an M class planet out in the middle of the previously known Expanse...
Well, that's what you get for creating #Skynet!
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #E2
#davidandrews #skynet #e2 #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
Die #StarTrekEnterprise -Folge #Stigma ist spannend, weil der erste Handlungsstrang ernst ist und indirekt die Ausgrenzung von HIV-Erkrankten thematisiert, während der zweite Handlungsstrang gleichzeitig amüsant eine lockerere Sexualmoral präsentiert.
Ahahaha THEY GAVE HUMANITY VELCRO? I AM DECEASED 💀💀#startrek #startrekenterprise
Three Vulcans in 1950's Pennsylvania, good lord guys. 😅
You have dropped in to tonight's grimdarkest #StarTrek episode, which is surprisingly not the one from #StarTrekEnterprise S3!
#AllStarTrek #tiesofbloodandwater #startrekds9 #startrekenterprise #startrek
Decided to watch all the #startrek series in order starting with #startrekenterprise, I'm on 1x23, it's nice seeing Fionnula Flanagan as a Vulcan!
#AllStarTrek How do the computer effects in this #StarTrekVoyager manage to look better than #StarTrekEnterprise?
#startrekenterprise #startrekvoyager #AllStarTrek
Is this the one where the ship is a mile wide, but #StarTrekEnterprise encountered spheres 9 miles wide?
#AllStarTrek #startrekenterprise
Da erzähle ich Jeck überall rum, ich hätte nur die erste Staffe von #StarTrekEnterprise gesehen, und dann schaue ich mir #CarbonCreek an und weiß auf einmal wieder, dass ich auch die erste Hälfte von Staffel 2 gesehen habe😊Schöne Folge!
#startrekenterprise #carboncreek
#AllStarTrek Merely 100 year previous in the time of #StarTrekEnterprise, Vulcan's considered mind meld an abomination by a select few to be who should be outcast.
#StarTrek really does like to mess with it's own lore for drama.🙄😖
#startrek #startrekenterprise #AllStarTrek
Swear to God, next time I see a scary or difficult person with whom I'm forced to make stilted small talk while terrified of saying the wrong thing, I'll be thinking to myself, "POLARIZE THE HULL PLATING" and will consider myself on Reed Alert.
Ich bin mir noch nicht so ganz sicher, ob ich mich die Idee des temporalen Kalten Krieges überzeugt, fest steht aber dennoch:
Die Suliban sind mal coole Antagonist*innen.
Thanks to #startreklegends I'm going around muttering grumpily to myself about the shortage of duranium. Thanks to #StarTrekEnterprise, I've got "Polarize the Hull Plating" stuck in my brain. 😅 🖖🏼
#startreklegends #startrekenterprise #startrek
Ich finde es total erfrischend, dass sich Captain #Archer aus #StarTrekEnterprise für Wasserball interessiert. Das ist mal was anderes!
Let's see if I can muster up #3GoodThings for #wednesday
1. Fresh sheets on the bed.
2. Excellent chocolate.
3. Really enjoying Season 2 of #StarTrekEnterprise
#3goodthings #wednesday #startrekenterprise #startrek #Today