„Nur ausgesprochen dumme Geschöpfe lassen sich von ihrer Angst den Geist vernebeln.“ —Lwaxana Troi (in: B. Perplies & Ch. Humberg: #StarTrekPrometheus: Der Ursprung allen Zorns)
(My own translation:)
„Only downright stupid creatures let fear cloud their minds.“ —Lwaxana Troi (in: B. Perplies & Ch. Humberg: #StarTrek Prometheus: The Root of all Rage)
#startrekprometheus #startrek #startrekbooks
The first Star Trek books written in another language than English: #StarTrekPrometheus. Of course I’m listening to it in its original language, which is German.
I can’t say I’m super happy with the narrator though. His narration is often a bit… sleepy and slow. Bummer.
Storywise I am enjoying it. A different narrator would do the book good though.